...Incoming Transmission...
Source: Aki Kimura, Order High Command
-Begin Transmission-
"It's a shame I have to say this twice, but it's starting to get on my nerves. Due to recent... theft issues... ALL order vessels are offlimits to anyone not actively enlisted under Order Identification and IFF transponder. The ONLY exception regarding this is the Osiris, which may be used by Corsair Guard Identified commanders, and the Nephthys fighter which may be used by Corsair identified pilots."
"Any of the following vessels found to be flown by any pilots without the above listed Identifications or exceptions will be subject to destruction or capture on sight. Consider this your only warning."
List of Restricted Vessels
Anubis Order Heavy Fighter
Nephthys Order Very Heavy Fighter
Bastet Order Prototype Fighter
Sehkmet Order Bomber
Hathor Order Gunboat
Resheph Order Reconnaissance Destroyer
Geb Order Carrier
Osiris Order battleship
"And a further notice, no vessels without order Identification and Transponder are permitted in the omicron 100 system without approval from, and constant escort by, order personnel. Any craft found within the omicron 100 system which are not using both order identification and transponder will be destroyed on sight."
The above statement is a law set forth by the Order| primary fleet and will be heavily enforced. The only exceptions ever are for allies to the Order| fleet, not the Order faction.