| Protocol: Ikiryō (生霊) | Type: Enhancement | Status: Active
| Watanabe's Hiderigami AI has been brought back online after months of maintenance and improvements of its original mainframe. Originally designed by the Daimyo Hirotada Watanabe, the AI is currently being patched into the Dragon Claw Network under direct supervision of Daimyo Minamoto.
| While active, Daimyo Watanabe has invested much of its clan's time into various projects, either public on Sendai, or concealed on Niiza, making many breakthroughs over time. The age of Shogunate's AI projects started during the rule of Toshiro Watanabe when various projects have developed in order to help the Shogunate's cause.
| One patched into the Dragon Claw Network, Hideragami will gradually expand it's control over the flow on information. At first, it will only control the Chugoku Network. Once the AI has been naturalized into the network and Sendai has give its accord, control will be expanded to the Dragon's Embrace Network.
| Hideragami roles
| Data analysis of signals going in and out of Chugoku
| Threat identification and preventive scanning of all ships entering/traversing/leaving Chugoku.
| Identification of possible security breaches
| Rapid response through asset deployment and guidance
|Fail safe - the AI core is being kept in a secret location under heavy protection - physical access to the core mainframe is solely done under direct supervision of Daimyo Kamakura Minamoto.