I see, From what I heard deal that we concluded is not holding up quite well. Which is to be expected in the end, I would like to talk about personal security when it comes to encounters with Royalists. So if possible I would like to prolongue the deal we had on the smaller scale. In addition I could provide you with some information about what happens at Malta and so on. As long as it may concern Crown's direct interests. How does that sound?
Battleship La Riche, Edinburgh
November 11th, 743 AGS
Sender: CC Perrine H. Clostermann, Enclave Defence Authority. Recipient: Enma Loyola. Subject: The deal.
Your request shall be granted, but not unconditionally.
You shall supply us with true information regarding state of affairs on Malta, both external and internal.
Should you choose to traverse the Crown space - Enclave Defense Authority should be notified in advance.
While in Crown space, you will be escorted by the soldiers of Enclave Defense Authority, and will not have more than seven crates of Cardamine for personal usage, and exceptions will be handled on case by case basis, and should be discussed beforehand. Anything exceeding that quantity will be considered contraband, and the case of negligence of the Crown laws will be dealt with accordingly. I believe it should not be said that you will as well be a subject to the laws of the Crown in general as well, and what consequences that might entail.
Any information about movements of entities hostile to the Crown and Enclave Defense Authority known to you, will also become available to the Enclave Defense Authority.
You may begin with enlightening us on the reason of presence of Dreadnought Captana in Crown space, and it's assumed direction. Should the answer satisfy me - i might persuade my superiors to overlook this minor... misunderstanding. It must be one, after all - am i correct?
Transmission End
Peace, being the distant dream it is, comes inevitably, and goes hand in hand with justice.
Cursed be the war. Heroes never die! @Vitoniz30 @Connor
Your terms sound fairly reasonable, I hope it will become less strict in time, once it develops.
Allow me to take a little note on amassing Outcast forces in Tau-44, I suggest that you don't be too worried about it. It's aimed against someone else and will end up in being your interests more or less--- eventually. I cannot tell you much more, but you are smart enough to figure it out yourselves, right?