Following the surprising discovery and destruction of a foreign forward outpost in the Kyushu system, Kusari Naval Forces Admiralty has succeeded to convince The Imperial Shogunate and the Civilian government to allow greater freedom in operations against Kusari enemies in the neighbouring region of the Taus. Together with older, dormant but more vicious ambitions, KNF Admiralty has been given the greenlight to devise and enact the largest military campaign by Kusari since the Taus war.
Like a Volcano, the Naval Forces will scorch the field where their enemies lurk.
II. Mission
At 0100 hours , the Nagasaki, Yamaguchi, [CLASSIFIED M] and [CLASSIFIED H] Fleets, as well as the 66th Advanced Battlegroup and 99th Advanced Battlegroup, will form under the KNF Combined Fleet (Rengo Kantai HQ), and initiate operations in the Tau cluster.
The Combined Fleet objectives include suppression of designated hostile forces, and capture of strategic points in space for the success of Phase two .
III. Execution
At T+1hour time, 99th Advanced Battlegroup Akatsuki will move into AO Malaca (Tau-31) and occupy strategic points in the network of the system. They will be supported by 5th Major Fleet Nagasaki, who will consolidate control of the major arteries of Malaca.
At T+55 hour time, [Classified M] and [Classified H] Major Fleet will move into AO Hainan, securing strategic waypoint in system.
By T+90 hour time, 99th Adanced Battlegroup Akatsuki and 5th Fleet Nagasaki are to detain control of AO Malaca, and initiate takeover of AO Kra. By this time, 7th Major Fleet Hyono will have taken position in Tau-29 and AO Malaca, and secured the rearguard. 66th Advanced Battlegroup will operate in a support role to operations in the AOs mentioned.
At T+120 hour time, AO Malaca, AO Kra and AO Hainan are secured and reinforced, and marked units are to advance into AO Banknock and AO Tonkin, securing beachheads and accomplishing goals of Operation Kazan.
Transmission received
Code recognised as A-230-951-KUCOM
Decrypting.... Recipient:All assets of 5th Major Fleet and 99th Advanced Battlegroup Sender:Kaisho-ho Kaori Yamamoto, 5th Major Fleet Date:21.06.827 A.S. Subject:Standing orders - Securing the Crossroads Priority:High
Attention all units,
at +23 hours into Operation Kazan, progress has been more than satisfactory. Akatsuki and the 99th advanced battlegroup have taken point, while the 5th fleet has begun sending out strike craft patrols and relocating vessels into AO Malaca. Considering how initial conditions turned out, we are well on schedule. And I aim to keep it this way.
Following the Crayterians' foolish posturing, their continued presence around Malaca is currently the single thing deterring us from achieving our operational goals for phase one. Namely it is the Crayterian carrier near Holman and Barra outpost currently acting as their base of operation. Both of those need to be removed as an obstacle as soon as possible.
As such highest priority for all units assigned to AO Malaca is to converge onto the Holman junction. 99th vessels are to secure our acess route from Tau-29, while 5th fleet will rally close to the intersection and advance towards Barra in close formation. As soon as all is ready, all vessels are to open fire on the Crayterian outpost.
I want this piece of scrap they call Barra to be blown to a million pieces by all available batteries. Strike craft, intercept and neutralise any vessel that tries to leave the station, or rushes in to aid the Crayterians. I intend this to be a swift and devastating strike, and I will not have any of them run away today to be a nuisance tomorrow.
Do not waste your time with idle talk or demands to surrender. They had their time to talk with the politicians. Now it is time to let our weapons speak. Show these clowns what awaits them for deciding to be nothing but a roadblock, warriors.
This directive is effective immediately. All commanding officers, refer to the detailed instructions for your units in the attached documents.
Good luck.
Kh. Kaori Yamamoto
Battleship Nagasaki
5th Major Fleet
Transmission received
Code recognised as A-420-609-NAVCOM
Decrypting.... Recipient:All assets assigned to Operation Kazan Sender:Combined Fleet Headquarters Date:28.06.827 A.S. Subject:Mission Success - A new foe Priority:High
Attention all units,
it is a great pleasure to announce the following:
Within the tight schedule set for us and suffering minimal casualties against adversary forces, Rengo Kantai managed to achieve all operational goals set for phase one of the operation. Tau-31 has been secured both for civilian traffic and as a logistical highway, the Crayterian forces have been shown their place for their foolish attempt at hindering our manoeuvres, and all units have deployed as per the orders given to them in phase one.
In a professional environment like ours, praise is something that should be dispensed carefully, yet in this case, you as the protectors of Kusari deserve no less. Well done, officers and pilots, mechanics and warriors.
But this was only the beginning of this operation that will go down in history as one of the most crucial endeavours for securing the safety of House Kusari and prosperity for the Tau Region since the defeat of the Kingdom of Gallia. Everyone should know by now, so I will waste no words other then: We are now at war with the Confederacy of Gallia.
The why has been laid out, now we will concern ourselves with the how. The commanding officers of the major fleets have already been handed their directives and moved their assets to the respective AOs, first strikes have been launched to deceisively set foot into Gallia proper.
Detailed orders for the commanding officers of all units will follow as soon as possible. Until then, the prime directive is to keep moving swiftly. Much is at stake now, and we have crossed the Rubicon.
Tora, tora, tora!
Combined Fleet Headquarters
Office of the Admiralty
Kusari Naval Forces