I recently bought my baby, the Gladiator and I'm having a ball flying it. in terms of fighting NPCs I have little to no questions at all, however for piracy and PvP encounters both solo and group I do want some sugestions.
The CD and CD/Torp slots are easy... slap a train CD and a Mini and you're set. I opted to use a screamer isntead of a nuke for the time being. Have a class 9 graviton HF shield and MK VIII armor upgrade.
My doubs are more related to the 4 gun hardpoints. I have some possible loadouts to try out and i'd like your thoughts on it (i'm really not that experienced in pvp)
Loadout A
2x Tizonas
2x coladas
Loadout B
2x Tizonas
2x Codenames/Salamancas
Loadout C
2x Salamancas
2x Coladas
Loadout D
2x Cannonball+Firestalker
2x Coladas
It seems to me that all are good depending on the nature of the encounter. "A" seems to be vs larger ships with lots of shield, may also be a jousting variant where u burn shield in one pass and razor on another if u got accuracy. "B" and "C" seems more like a all around vs NPC or support role in group PvP. "D" seems to be fit for jousting. These are my thoughts though... you have better sugestion or can you help me set my "standard" loadout?
I'd go with B to be honest. Or, to be even more proficient in hullbusting, 1 Colada + 3 Salamancas. Trust me, one Colada is more than enough for shields.
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