Sawyer's recent promotions have resulted in a lot more responsibilites than he first thought, however, there was 1 unofficial 'promotion' that didn't come from High Command.
The LNS-Shenandoah's CO, Captain Marcus Robinson requested the newly promoted Commander to fill the role of XO on the Shenandoah, something that not even he expected.
With his new responsibilites, a general directive to assemble a proper task force, being commanded by the Shenandoah became top priority for Sawyer. thus a general transmission has been sent to the First Fleet.
The recent approval of 2 Defiants so happened to be convenient for this directive, thus the LNS-Jefferson, and the LNS-Asheville have been ordered to join the task force, along with Cadet Tsukasa Mizugaki, the task force now had a foundation.
Despite several skirmishes with the criminal elements in Liberty, mostly against the Insurgency, the opportunities to train the newly assigned personnel have been rather unsuccesful.
A few days ago Sawyer came up with the idea of arranging live training exercises in a more remote area of space, where the chances of being interrupted is almost nill. The decision was made to perform these exercises in the vicinity of Juneau Shipyard, in the Alaska system.
Several clicks away, from a safe distance from Juneau, this exercises would be arranged in advance, so in case of unexpected complications, emergency repairs and rescue missions can be conducted as fast as possible, thanks to them being in close proximity to Juneau.
The first exercise was arranged on 17th of July, 827 A.S, for Lt. Commander James Davis, and Lt. Marcus Carter, to practice their commanding skills of their recently approved Defiants.
Due to complications in California prior to the arranged date of the exercise, Sawyer couldn't attend, instead Lt. Commander Mark Bannon of the 5th Fleet has been asked to oversee the exercise.
Bannon was accompanied by the LNS-Akhetaten on his way to Alaska, and joined the observation of the exercise. As soon as the participants were present, they were briefed of the rules, and other details, and soon enough, the exercise began.
As the exercise went on, Bannon came up with the idea to get the Akhetaten involved, the Osiris were to be up against the 2 Defiants.
Captain Edwards have approved of the idea, and thus the next, and final stage of the exercise began. Well into the skirmish, the Shenandoah arrived soon after, to see how the exercise is going.
Unfortunately, a system-wide emergency transmission interrupted the exercise, Prison Station Fairbanks was under siege by Nomad forces, and soon Battleship Minneapolis came under attack as well.
The response force however was quick enough to prevent a major disaster, and the Nomad forces in the end have been defeated, several reports have been made of this event.
In the following days, these exercises have been repeated almost daily. Lt. Commander Lucius Hopkins has shown interest in participating as well. Sawyer was rather relieved that the idea turned out to be a success.
Under the circumstances, he decided to ask Captain Edwards, if they could arrange a visit on the Akhetaten, during such an exercise, to discuss future operations, and exercises, since the Akhetaten has been officially approved to be in service once more.
Edwards has been rather pleased by the training he has been called to oversee with Commander Sawyer. He's more than happy that the Fifth and the First Navy fleets have invited him to watch over those training sessions as he views that as an opportunity to get to know the people he will be working with better.
Sawyer's request caught Edwards off guard, he's surprised but very happy of it. Having a member of the primary fleet come aboard his ship to discuss future operations, as well as the path that the training sessions will take. He approves of Sawyer's idea with no hesitation.
Edwards has spent the last few days being quite worried. The Insurgency hasn't had many appearances lately, and he fears that they are planning something - Sawyer's request came just in time for Edwards to have a chance to discuss this with him, see if the First Fleet needs any intel-gathering job to be done deep within hostile territory - and of course, with no further thought he accepts Sawyer's request to visit the Akhetaten.