»ID:Augustus Henry »Location:Durban Station, Omicron Rho »Subject:Project collaboration request »ENCRYPTION:INVINCIBLE
Greetings, esteemed ally.
I'm Augustus Henry of The Core, an influent military organization located at the Omicrons; maybe you probably already heard about us. I'm contacting you because we're interested about your skills and stuff that could be useful for a project we could commence togheter for the civilization of those wild worlds and you can also earn something from that. If you're ready to know what I'm talking about, reply me in this channel also for a small briefing of what happened in the meantime.
User ID: Véronique Baudelaire Recipient: Augustus Henry Subject: Project Collaboration Request .
Bonsoir, Monsieur Henry.
A pleasure to meet you, I'm Véronique Baudelaire, director of commercial interests at EFL. We're always happy to expand our existing relationships with our various business partners, however I do prefer that if you are to contact us with a proposal that you get to the point. Tell me what it is you want.
Véronique Baudelaire,
Directeur commercial et maritime,
»ID:Augustus Henry »Location:Durban Station, Omicron Rho »Subject:Project collaboration request »ENCRYPTION:INVINCIBLE
Very well, here's the plan:
It's time to civilize the uncharted worlds we colonized and secured from the savages and their aliens, starting to something that can be less dangerous for both us: The sigmas. We're going to plan an entire construction project that involve the building of Jump Gates and Trade lanes around Sigma-15 and Omicorn Rho. The following scheme attached in this communication will show where the pieces can be put in place. We need your engineer skills to make this possible; obviously, we're ready to pay and support you doing this, including protection in those spaces. Trust me, you will be remembered!
-Augustus Henry
Guildkeeper, The Core
Attachments: 2
User ID: Véronique Baudelaire Recipient: Augustus Henry Subject: Project Collaboration Request .
Bonsoir, Monsieur Henry.
An interesting proposal to say the least. We'd have to send out a survey team to determine the viability of a jumpgate within the system, as it doesn't lend itself well to a trade lane network and your proposal may take the lanes dangerously close to the binary stars within the system.
My team have suggested a counter proposal to have the lane network go via the Planet Baltrum and then on to the jumpgate in the northern part of the system, but again, this all depends on the results of our survey.
We will also need to discuss budgets, such projects don't come cheap and EFL will require the Core to have an insurance policy to cover any shortfall or potential lack of revenue to finish the project.
Sigma-15 is claimed by the Imperial government of Rheinland and they'd obviously need to be made aware and give their blessing for such a project to go ahead.
As for your proposal regarding Omicron Rho, I've been informed that the location of the gate is not necessarily connected to the location of a jump hole, and thus the exact location of the gate and connecting lane will be entirely dependent on the results of our surveys within the system.
There's a lot of different things that you'll need to set in motion before this can go ahead. I'll ensure our survey teams are sent out at the next available opportunity and we'll update you with the results of those surveys.
Until then.
Véronique Baudelaire,
Directeur commercial et maritime,
»ID:Augustus Henry »Location:Durban Station, Omicron Rho »Subject:Project collaboration request »ENCRYPTION:INVINCIBLE
While your results will arrive sooner or later, I have to say that suggesting a trade lane toward Planet Baltrum is not a good idea for our interests as we believe there can be activity of unwanted entities who could even hinder our civilization programs. That's why we're interested to place the trade lanes at the left part of the system and towards Hammersee, where there's the Rheinland authority that can agree with us about our further civilization process, at the cost of putting the route within Nordsee Cloud. About Omicron Rho, we're planning to exploit the jump hole to connect it to the future Gate, basically "converting" that into a Jump Gate, saving a bit of resources. We know that a jump hole is generally instable and very risky to use but we believe this one is very stable as used too many times by our convoys who always came back safe and sound. In case of jump hole collapse, we're indeed planning the building of a Jump Gate that will replace that.
Waiting for your surveys.
-Augustus Henry
Guildkeeper, The Core
Attachments: <none>
User ID: Véronique Baudelaire Recipient: Augustus Henry Subject: Project Collaboration Request .
Bonsoir, Monsieur Henry.
My apologies for the delay in replying, It took longer than I would've thought to arrange a team to survey the system but everything has been completed and the results compiled and finalised.
My team have informed me that the best place for the jumpgate to be constructed would be within sector G2 of the system, it is far enough away from the Binary stars that their gravitational pull wouldn't affect the systems onboard the gate and sufficient distance from any other obstacle within the system.
The issue that had previously arisen is that the existing Trade Lane network within the system doesn't lend itself well to connecting the gate to this location. The only possible option is a lane from the existing gate to the Planet Baltrum and then a second lane onto the new jumpgate, my team assures me this is the only sensible option.
I am unsure as to how you plan to connect a gravitational anomaly to the jumpgate, I put the idea before my scientists and they insist this is impossible, the gate requires a second gate on the other end to function and there have been no successful attempts in the past to connect a gate to an anomaly by EFL, nor any known attempts from Ageira Technologies. Thus we would require funds for construction of two gates.
As I had previously mentioned this proposal is a particularly costly project, not least due to the severe dangers of the Omicrons and bordering Sigma systems. I assume The Core is able to provide EFL with a full insurance policy from their chosen insurer, we will also require written permission from the Empire of Rheinland to begin this project.
Provided all of our criteria are met and you are happy with the result of our survey, construction can commence within the coming months.
Véronique Baudelaire,
Directeur commercial et maritime,
Alright, so be it. Civilization first and let's nevermind about the excuses of the Baltrum issue. We're thinking about building a Jump Gate at G2 sector with a Trade Lane to Planet Baltrum and then another from there to the existent Gate. This will obviously lead to the construction of the gate even in Omicron Rho to link it, we're thinking about B4 sector. Don't worry about security and costs. Core and APM are on the way.
-Augustus Henry
Guildkeeper, The Core
Attachments: <none>
After a consult with the Rheinland Empire, the current project has been splitted in two. We granted you green light to start the project within our territories in Omicron Rho but you have to ask for the confirmation to the Kaiserreich to operate in Sigma-15.
User ID: Véronique Baudelaire Recipient: Augustus Henry Subject: Project Collaboration Request .
Bonsoir, Monsieur Henry.
It's been some time since we've spoken and I feel like the Core has completely misunderstood our role in this endeavour. We are here to handle the construction of a jumpgate and tradelane within Sigma-15, and a further jump gate within Omicron Rho. We are not here to handle complex negotiations between states and asking us to do so on your behalf is far beyond our initial agreement.
I asked for you to provide us with explicit agreement from Rheinland, including their blessing for this project to go ahead - So far you have not done this and until we receive such confirmation we cannot continue.
Véronique Baudelaire,
Directeur commercial et maritime,