==================== Type: Nomad lair in Zeta Bug: Model hard to dock on ====================
As requested by Lyth
It's the only cap missions base for indie nomads now
Please change it to a model that is easy to dock on, F3 works from distance, quickdock lights and exclusion zone are added. Thank you very much!
==================== Type: Ish'tar and Nomad Lair in Zeta Bug: Docking non-functional ====================
I would like to bring some attention to this again: I know the Ish'tar is a notoriously difficult ship to dock with, but the "docking spokes" at the Zeta Lair make it almost impossible. The ship runs around the station or clips through endlessly.
Not only Ishtar. And not only at Lair in Zeta. Every single ship just can't dock and running circles around every Nomad Lair and The Ravine if you pressing "Dock" from the distance. It is very annoying, yah, but I can only suggest you to use quick dock points (marked with blue lights).
Fix it, please. This bug has existed since Nomads appeared at Sol, lewl.
This is caused by something in the Nomad ship models apparently. I can perhaps set the base up like BGS, and add multiple dock points. Not too keen on changing the solar model at this stage.
I've moved the docking mount and docking ports "D" to be on the outside of the "tower 03" shield, so it's much easier to dock with the nomad lair now. It's a quick fix, but it's a fix! Check the dev discord!
I don't know what I'm doing though, just trying to help.