==================== Type: Equipment Bug: Something wrong happened with Hessian heavy fighter gun hardpoints ====================
"Loki" RH-GM17 Red Hessian Heavy Fighter found its gun hardpoints mixed up. Everything was great before, but apparently something has changed recently. There was no information in patch notes or balance thread about possible changes – I checked. Infocard still says it should have six guns. So, gun that was under the right wing moved to the top. And gun under the left wing cannon be unmounted anymore. It displayed as first gun in weapons list in game and not displayed in dealer's window at all.
The fact that this wasn't in any patch notes is a mistake but this change happened by design. The Loki now has it's sixth gun and torpedo slot be interchangeable (five guns with torp & cd, six without) because we came to the conclusion that it was a little bit too strong, but still wanted to keep its torp + cd quirk.
The gun on the wing is only there because your Loki already existed and the gun wasn't unmounted automatically. The ship has a new gun/torp slot on its head mainly so the gun placements remain symmetrical.
tl;dr the only bug is the extra gun you have on your wing that shouldn't be there, I'll page a GM about it.
Okeh, understood. Then it would be great if the infocard was updated. And, yah, it also would be great if GM took this gun off my ship. Don't really want to buy a new one, even if it isn't expensive. Ship name is Tyrfing.