Hello everybody! Ive been lurking for the past few days and i guess its time for me to re introduce myself. My name is Flox and my corporation is Flox Corp and I first started playing Discovery around 2010 or so. I have this account and also [FC] Flox. Things have sure changed alot here. What i am most excited about this place is that i still see 50-60ish people online at peak which is nice. Alot of my old buddies are long gone unfortunately. Im here because i love the whole aspect of RP in space. All my previous accounts are wiped but thats a good thing. I get to re earn my billions. Its nice to be back here. Also, i dont know what company or business thought that it was a nice idea to send a cease and desist to this forum about my Logo for Flox Corp. Guess its time to re brand. Lmao. Anyways, its nice to be back here.
Well, Hello there. Always nice to see people return, check out the veteran aid package if you haven't done so yet. Makes for a nice start back into the game.
Thank you everyone.
Ive played Eve Online for so long but still, freelancer takes the cake for some reason. There is simply nothing like it. Love this game, this mod, and this community.