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Comm ID: Foreign and Colonial Office
To the esteemed sisters of the Golden Chrysanthamums,
Ladies, it is with great regret that I received word of the breakdown in relations between the Bretonian Privateering Corps of Admiral Stuart and your own bretheren. The Bretonian Government has always been supportive of the GC cause, and we have been pleased to maintain good cooperation with your organisation in the name of our common goal - namely the overthrow of the Hogosha-backed Kusari Shogunate. Whatever the causes of this recent bout of animosity between the Privateers and your good selves, I wish to echo the statements of Defence Minister Ralston to the effect that the Bretonian Privateers do not in any way represent the official stance of the BAF or the Bretonian Government. I hope that you can continue to work together with regular BAF forces and other agents of the Bretonian Crown operating in Tau and Kusari space, irrespective of relations with Sir Andrew's Privateers. I also wish to apologise on behalf of the Bretonian Crown for any offense caused by the rather.... direct nature of some of Lord Sir Reginald Noteworthy's personal comments.
Unfortunately the citizens of the Privateering Corps, whilst patriotic and useful in their own way, are beyond the control of the Admiralty Board, the War Cabinet or any other Government Department including my own. Whilst I can promise continued Bretonian aid to the GC from all official bodies, the Privateers are in the habit of conducting their own very.... 'unique' style of diplomatic relations, which does not always correlate with our official position, and can appear somewhat.... uncivil to those who are not accustomed to it. If you have any disputes with the Privateers, I am afraid that you will have to resolve them with Sir Andrew or his collegues personally. However, please continue to direct official diplomatic communiques through the usual Foreign Office or BAF diplomatic channels, and be assured that both myself and the Admiralty Board under Defence Minister Ralston will continue to answer them in our usual spirit of cooperation.
Yours faithfully,
Lord Charles Canning
9th Earl of Malmesbury
Foreign Secretary of Bretonia
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Sir Stanley Nelson <span style="color:#000066">Charles Canning </span><span style="color:#000066"> Foreign Secretary</span>
I am glad to see that the rest of Bretonia do not share the same dis-respect that Sir Reginald Notworthy, which was, to be frank, disgusting.
I have no idea what truly happened during, conflicting reports from my sisters and his message. So i cannot work upon it.
If they expect our help again, we will help, on one condition. That Sir Reginald Notworthy sends an apology to myself and the rest of my sisters.
Until that time i will tell my sisters to avoid confrontations with the privateers.
"Time is too precious to be idle." - Saigo Watanabe "Death is something that is inevitable, Something you cannot run away from." - Katharina Hildegard
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