Lots of new oppurtunities have come around dear diary.
Was quite travelling a lot as of recently. Finally also found Nenet... she was uhh... suddenly in New York, I guess she goes many places and we shared now new contact numbers for each other which worked. We even roamed around, told her about my curiosity into wanting to dare even further out into the wild green yonder, but she also seems to despise this place. We went on a little trip through Libertys backwater systems to coach me first things awaiting for me, never knew such interesting places where just before our doorsteps, so untouched and not known, left in natures vanilla pure beauty.
Still, the places held several dangers... once running out of fuel and no one bats an eye, wary eyes could be hiding behind any asteroid and no sight of civilization... well yeah good first steps to know what awaits me, leaves me remembering some traumatizing... memories. Still, I wanna see these places one day and I will need definitely more experience.
So I should consider my chances of what I can do now... well as much as I saw how lucrative these cardamine trade went I started actually doing more scout escort runs for daring smugglers doing their early retirement trip to New York. Surprisinlgy it works and my ship can go through place to place, like this I hope to be able to afford another ship. I saw one pretty interesting looking one flown by these Auxo technocrats... looked like a straight upgrade to my Dagger... called it "Wight". Hm, but got told after asking about it from people that it is pretty rare, only available on some remote blackmarkets in the Edge Worlds, gives promises though that this could be my ship to explore these places one day.
But then there is still the problem, that I need to improve my fighter skills... Hm someone to raise me, I want to protect those I care about and be able to defend myself. I dont want anymore to be this weak... sigh, what can I do. Had talks actually when being again up there in Kusari with another maltese, told them my story of my life and problems and they seemed understanding... brought up if I could do them several favors like helping them out in their endeavors of their allies or picking up any interesting informations for them, that they might have something to offer.
Whatever informations they really would want or expect... are they all like that with such vague descriptions, don't even know what Donna wants from me. I should keep my eyes peeled, one thing is for certain. Helping them out while playing escort scout for cardamine convoys can be for now my go to thing... seems also pretty lucrative though money shouldnt be the main thing in this. Damn, I really feel like I have chosen a pretty messy path. Well no one needs to know... sigh. I hope.