"Can't a man just drop a line to an old war buddy without reason?"
"We ain't buddies."
"Can't a man just drop a line to an old war acquaintance then?"
"Many could, you wouldn't though. I heard you were dead."
"Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated."
"Also heard you went mad."
"Rumors of my sanity have been greatly exaggerated. In any event, I need a favor."
"Figures, what do you need?"
"I need to offload 2,000 crates of light arms."
"...Damn, Seabourne. We would have killed for a haul like that a few years ago. We did, several times actually."
"His majesty's role as quarter master general to the resistance will always be criminally underappreciated."
"There are many criminal things about that man which the sector fails to properly appreciate. Where the hell did you get the guns?"
"Found them."
"Found them?"
"...in Manhattan Orbit. Seems someone's nav computer somehow missed an entire planet. Seemed a good time to make a dent in the community service I owe Liberty to do a bit of litter pick up."
"Christ, Seabourne, you're a grave robber now?"
"Don't be silly. The life pods were still active when we picked up the guns."
"You made pickup on the cargo before the crew?!"
"Local SAR took care of them. More importantly, IC has listed the cargo as lost."
"Really? So all those weapons with their fancy serial numbers..."
"Officially have their chain of custody broken. No one's going to come looking for them."
"Well, like I said, Seabourne, while I would have killed you for them a few years ago, my gun running days died with Leeds. I don't have a resistance to equip anymore."
"I figured as much, but I was hoping that you still had some contacts. Others must have made it out, taken up new jobs with other groups. What's Hudson up to nowadays?"
"No idea, he dropped off my radar ages ago. Most of the others took up jobs farming on the refugee worlds. A few went over to the IMG."
"Rich words from someone running 'The French Connection' with Gallic pilgrims every other week."
"Oh, you liked our flyers?"
"Can't say I'm a fan."
"I'll have a talk with our graphic design department. He's currently on lunch break sucking honey mustard through a bendy straw."
"...why is your graphic designer drinking honey mustard through a bendy straw?"
"Well, he tried using a curly straw, but the stuff is too viscous."
"On account of the honey, you see. Works like a charm with regular mustard-"
"I've heard enough. Look, I can't make any promises, but I can send out a few feelers. If something bites, we can negotiate a finder's fee."
"Sounds good, friendo."
"I'm not your friendo, but I'll see who's interested in the guns. Heaven knows the Breezewood did her part in the evac, I suppose I owe you that much."
"That's the spirit! Born under the rose, fight under the lily!"
"Don't push it. Time heals all wounds, but these run deep. Safe skies, Captain."