┝┅{Sender: Eros Galanis, DTR Second In Command ┝┅{Recipients: All Unioner pilots still out there ┝┅{Location: Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma ┝┅{Subject: Call to Arms
Fellow Unioners,
Recent news have brought to us that the EFL corporation started moving materials to finish building their jump gate from Sigma-15 to Omicron Rho.
This will greatly empower the Core, as it will grant safe passage to fresh supplies and war assets. By all means, we must not let that happen.
Since the convoys pass through Rheinland space, I'm requesting your help to oppose Rheinland's forces protecting them.
We have a common enemy in Rheinland, and a common goal to cut their trade relations with other houses. I hope to see you take part in the joint effort, so we can later join forces again and help each other in times of need, as our battalions often do in Munich.
We must put an end to the gate construction supply chain and show these corporate pigs who's the boss!
In the name of Executor Nagash, High Commander Eros Galanis
To: DTR From:Pacifica base, Bering system Subject:Call to Arms
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Guten herr
DTR? We never heard of you, you guys new around we didn't heard from Corsairs long time? Well anyway straight to the point, yea we heard about this EFL jump gate construction, we will do what ever is necessary to stop Imperials, we will help you in this.
Kim Wolff
Procurator, Pacifica base.
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┝┅{Sender: Eros Galanis, DTR Second In Command ┝┅{Recipients: Procurator Kim Wolff ┝┅{Location: Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma ┝┅{Subject: RE: RE: Call to Arms
Mr. Wolff,
Glad to see you are ready to give a hand. Hope we'll stand together in more battles to come.
I'm surprised you haven't heard of us yet. Yes, we have in fact formed recently. The Deterrence, lead by Ravenna Nagash, aims to reignite the fire Corsairs once had. We've been catching up to speed and we're always on the look to form more connections within our zone of influence.
I'll grant you access to our public intel database, as I expect us to see each other more in times to come.
In the name of Executor Nagash, High Commander Eros Galanis
┝┅{Sender: Eros Galanis, DTR Second In Command ┝┅{Recipients: Procurator Kim Wolff ┝┅{Location: Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma ┝┅{Subject: RE: RE: RE: Call to Arms
Mr. Wolff,
Our field agents have reported that the EFL corporation managed to ship a significant amount of components to proceed with the gate's construction despite our efforts.
More so, they have not seen a single one of your men in the field while lurking for transports and blockading the Sigma-15 system.
A shame that matters have taken such a discouraging direction. We gave all we could to slow down the gate's construction, and expected you to do so as well.
If you're still interested in a mutually beneficial relationship between us, let us know. Otherwise, we'd rather invest our resources elsewhere.
In the name of Executor Nagash, High Commander Eros Galanis