' Wrote:Yeh if your close enough to the IMG and ask them nicely then might give you some as they did with us.:D
You mean the GMG? IMG doesn't have access to the Kaichou or Karasu (Taiidan replacements), that I know of. The official factions had a deal in 4.84 that swapped Ravens Talons for Taiiden Bombers, but I don't think that, even if that deal were still active, it would extend to the IMG's allies.
I've been approached by several interested parties wanting to purchase Taiiden ships for their factions or personal use. I should let you all know that all of them were either Kishiro ID'd chars or Zoner ID'd chars. For those who don't know, on our rep sheet GMG's two primary allies are Kishiro and Zoners. The players who approached me to purchase the ships were already able to freely purchase them based on the Faction/Ship chart used by the admins. Their request post on the forums was done out of courtesy, a gesture I deeply applaud, as it wasn't actually necessary. Getting in the habit of posting a ship request to an appropriate faction even if the "box is green" on the admins chart is good form in my opinion.