I'm not sure if its the right place to ask but I'm looking for untypical forum stories that are not a cliche combat / scheming / etc but something more close to an average human's life, maybe even romantic ones. Want to see if people ever bothered to play this and if they had interest to (also bored to read same "epic" big spy/warrior/mastermind RP over and over)
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Yes, people tend to actually do this more often than you think (because apparently rping about slice of life is circlejerking?????). But, most of them aren't posted on forums because people will either ridicule them, or they don't want to put it out there for other reasons.
I know Sombra has done slice of life threads. I think Chron has too. Could just scroll back in the stories section to see if you could find these things.
(01-27-2023, 12:09 PM)Groshyr Wrote: maybe even romantic ones
Now you have my attention. Nyx is right that most of this isn't posted on the forum (a lot of it wouldn't be allowed on the forum...), but here's a story for you.
I'd definitely like to do more of it (especially because it gives you nice opportunity for fine-grained worldbuilding) but it's hard to find people interested.