830 AS - A cloud rises above the relations of the Allies
830 AS -Continued stalemate in the Omicrons: "it would've been best if we locked that place".
830 AS -Gallia continues to maintain its silence, as analysis of the economy shows massive demand for armament.
830 AS -The Order continues to move as stealthily as before - The Core, too tooting, military experts says.
830 AS -The Crayterian Republic no longer declining to being a puppet state.
Planet Curacao, Cortez
Liberty has declared that the Treaty of Curacao, available here - as "Outdated". Stressing that it is not a reaction to a sharp loss in the nations' shared history and friendship. However, Bretonia, Liberty and the rising Crayter Republic are now leaving its own inhabitants under a cloud of inaccessible legal documents, overly long speeches, alleged covert discussions, up to illegal activity by one nation or another.
This situation is indeed concerning for everyone in Sirius. The Taus, were always unstable, and as the Crayterian Republic, undoubtedly under the leash of the Kingdom of Bretonia, continues to rises: newfound treasures could be the reason for this sudden instability, some experts theorizes. As Liberty continues to fight in a stalemate against the Insurgency, and the Ontario system allegedly completely overran by terrorists, it is also argued it is an attempt by Liberty to reinstate its relevance. The Gallic Union has not communicated about this instability as of now.
The reasons behind this sudden rise in diplomatic exchanges, and increased military presence in the neighboring region of Cortez however, does instill skepticism and distrust from the citizens of all three nations, journalists indicated. No nations have made public claims as of now, or known This information was revealed to be false after fact-checking. Bretonia made a public statement, but many feel that it raised more questions than it answered. This issue being focused on the cloudiness over the situation, rather than the situation itself.
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