I was browsing some of my old Fav internet links And i stumbled across the Old RAw server fourm!!! Boy was i excited to have finally found this old baby:Draw was my first server iv ever played on and while the judges were annoying (if u were a judge don't mind this) the people and the venilla gameplay was Great. Disco is Sweet but i need a break from this insane Rp madness and i finally found it!.
Raw is dead but is a quite hang out spot for old vets like me who just like enjoying the venilla style of fighting. ill post a link to the sight and its ip if u want to connect to it, i don't know if its on the workaround anymore but i didn't look. I would like to also give a shout out to all the Raw skulls clan U guys were my first clan and still the best May the skulls live on forever
Ps this aint no advertiseing just spreading the word that i finaly found this slumbering beast =D.