==================== Type: Equipment Bug: Equipment missing and not working ====================
Ship: The.Apahanta
Issue 1: Three of my five Dual Gatling Lasers (that used to be primaries) have completely vanished upon logging into the game post-patch.
Issue 2: The Apahanta's Ingenuus Cloak no longer uses the SRP ID as cloak fuel - meaning it no longer cloaks. The SRP was set up to use the SRP ID as fuel with 0 consumption.
Ship: CV-Hoffnungsschimmer
Issue: Similar issue as with The.Apahanta: The Hoffnungsschimmer's Greater Cloak now needs fuel, as opposed to not requiring fuel. Might be an accident related to the changes made to the Hoffnungsschimmer to get it in line with the Corvo (as it is just a reskin). The tentacles are also all weird now because of that, but that doesn't really need fixing.