I am writing to inform you that our highly skilled ingenieros and their assistants have safely arrived at their destination Reincarnation Outpost in Omicron Delta. Thanks to our highly innovative Jumpdrive and Hyperspace Matrix technologies mounted on my ship the CCS>Mykonos as well as our partner ship, the CNS>CasaDelGatito we could drastically reduce the normally quite extensive travel times for the journey.
Despite the presence of a small Molly fighter craft that was taken care of by our brave pilots at Fort Torrelavega, we could jump initially to Planet Crete for a short stopover to meet with the CNS>CasaDelGatito. Shortly after, we proceeded to Reincarnation Outpost where we were greeted by the ElGatitoFurioso just outside the station.
Our transmission encryption systems seem to work excellento since none of our enemies tried to intercept the transport or even came into scanner range of my vessel. I will remain stationed at Reincarnation Outpost until our ingenieros are done with their work and will inform you as soon as I return to Fort Torrelavega.
I just dropped off 5,000 units of gold ore to your crew on dock 1. Should be all of finest quality and give you oro excellente after refining. Most likely, I will head out again soon to get some more before those pesky Mollys or Bretonians take it.
I am pleased to report that the ore refinement experts as well as their assistants have successfully completed their task on Reincarnation Outpost and were just transferred back to their original post on your base Fort Torrelavega.
All crew members are in good health, although some complained about minor stomach issues possibly caused by the hyperspace jump. Surely nothing a good Cretan rum and the sight of gold cannot fix. Anyway, I hereby hand them over again into the duty of your capable hands.
Gracias for your help and service to the Imperio Corsario.
Glory to the Imperio! Marcos Espinoza, Logistics Officer
We are proud and delighted, but not surprised, that our compadres from Torrelavega served this duty in an exemplary fashion and are happy to have them back. Such experience as they have gained there in service to the Imperio could only have made them even better. Their return is welcomed as there is always much work to be done in Dublin.
We thank you for their safe return, and wish you all an uneventful trip home.
Imperio Corsario para Siempre!
Saludos, Capitan Piernas Rojas Fort Torrelavega Administrator
I'm beginning to spend more and more time in this Dublin system. I am not going to lie, I'm starting to like the money that can be done here. My congratulations for the management of the station and for the opportunity to sell so much Ore from these filthy Bretonians. I found it's quite the bargain. Only today I managed to mine like... 5? 6 batches of Ore? Eh, you'll see the manifests attached below. I think our hermanos in Gamma will be pleased to hear about the stocks on Gold that are constantly being refined on Torre!
On our routine patrol through Bretonia, my squad has found an unwary Molly transport carrying precious gold ore – an opportunity too good to let it pass! After stopping the vessel, the captain refused to cooperate so we had no choice but to extract his shiny cargo by force. Our vessels took all the gold ore we could carry and returned it safely to Fort Torrelavega for further refinement.
I am sure your crew will be glad to process it.
¡Hasta la próxima!
For the Glory of the Imperio Corsario, Cmdr. Javier Hernandez
I delivered 15,000 units of gold ore to your crew on dock 2. My amigo DTR-Plomería was actually a
gran ayuda in filling up my Hegemon miner, so he deserves his credit as well. I am sure the ore will keep your guys in the refinery busy for a while and away from the rum at least during working hours.