Date: A.S.834.11.21 Name: Major Ein Glophil Recipient: BDM Subject: About some of your missteps
From previous communications, I understand that you need The Order's assistance in fighting the Nomad/Wild infection, which is what we have been pursuing, the elimination of the alien infection from Sirius.
My subordinate, Blaine, along with another valued colleague, was tragically intercepted and their transport plane obliterated by a BDM gunboat while they were engaged in a routine and essential mission to procure bulk supplies in the Rhineland. Such acts constitute a grave violation of our dignity and common interests but also poses a direct challenge to the very foundation of our cooperative endeavors. It is imperative that you provide a comprehensive and satisfactory explanation for this egregious breach of trust.
The agreement we have meticulously crafted together stands as a testament to our commitment to fostering cooperation grounded in the principles of peace and mutual respect. I must emphasize, however, that such an accord will be reduced to mere parchment, if acts like these are allowed to go unchecked. We stand at a precipice where the actions taken now will determine whether our alliance can withstand this shock or crumble under its weight.
It is crucial to understand that any disruption in our collaboration does not merely inconvenience our respective missions; it jeopardizes the collective security and future of all involved parties against the Nomad/Wild menace. Therefore, I implore you to take immediate and decisive action to address this grievous misconduct, ensuring that such a regrettable incident never mars our path forward. Let us reaffirm our dedication to working hand in hand, for the challenges we face demand unity, not division.
Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts Weimar Relay, Thuringia
Ein Glophil
RE: Uninvited Guests
Herr Glophil,
I have been informed of a very recent intrusion into Rheinland space by two Order vessels that brazenly and illegally violated orders to halt for inspection, and were quickly apprehended by one of our interdiction units. I presume that you speak for those.
Vessels that illegally refuse compliance with security forces are subject to forcible detainment - even in the case where they are not members of an organization explicitly banned from Rheinland by law. Your organization remains classified as Enemies of the State by Article §5.1. of the Rheinland legal codex. As we are bound to enforce Rheinland law, I belive it prudent for your organization to expect consistency in our dispositions until such a time that the policy is changed.
Kai Siegfried, Director Büro des Marinenachrichtendienstes
Date: A.S.844.11.21 Name: Ein Glophil Recipient: BDM Subject: Follow-up question
Admittedly, my direct report, Transport Captain Blaine, is introverted and can get rattled, but you should not continue to sabotage his transport after his colleagues have been vetted. At this point I suspect that you are deliberately trying to provoke a dispute between the two sides, and all the signs are that you are just looking for a false excuse.
All of your actions point to the fact that you will only wield knives against vulnerable civilians to preserve your meaningless vanity. I must receive an apology from you to our colleagues in the business organization, or the next meeting will be a confrontation. If you insist on using force against our civilians, then our peace can only be established within the range of artillery.