The Bretonian Mining and Fabrication Corporation wishes to enter into discussions with Daumann Heavy Construction regarding the possibility of establishing a trade link between our two organization. At current the DHC are the primary producers of Ablative Armor Plating which the BMF have a sizable interest in. Our current trade primarily consists of shipping Gold to your facility around New Berlin, The Ring. We wish to open the possibility of shipping Surplus Military Materials to Rheinland, we have already extended the offer to the Rheinland Military and their respective sister agencies. We realize of course this might appear to limit healthy competition and perhaps be cause for concern, however we wish to also express our interest and need in Boron from the Daumann facility on Holstein as well as the transportation of Bretonian Refugees from Rheinland back to Bretonian space.
It is our desire that an amicable trade deal be struck between our two organizations and a healthy relationship be allowed to continue. We are most eager for your reply and we understand if you have any questions, concerns or counter offers.
William Steiner, QC
Chief Legal Officer - BMF
Isle of Sky, New London, Bretonia.
INCOMING TRANSMISSION RECIPIENT:William Steiner CC: Bruno Bommel, Oberaufseher Daumann Heavy Construction; Gerrit Weiss, Senior Legal Counsel SENDER: Amelia Tost, Communications Department LOCATION: The RING
Guten aben, herr Steiner
Your proposal for a trade agreement is most intriguing. However it seems to me, that this deal is going to mostly benefit your own side, much more than ours. That's not good for business. We also see BMF ship's regularly intrude into our silver mining fields in Omega-7, despite being told they have no claim there. Not to mention opening fire on our ships when we seek to uphold our legal claim. Thus i find it humorous that you'd even suggest a "trade" agreement, when your organisation has repeatedly disrespected our legal claim to the silver mining fields and shown clear signs of hostility towards our employees and organisation.
Whilst we can be rather charitable at times, we're first and foremost a business. Trying to kill our employees and hurt our bottom line whilst speaking with silver tongues will not gain you the charitability you seek from us.
Amelia Tost
Daumann Heavy Construction Communications Department