1. I'm trying to get a Zoner ID but the game won't allow me to purchase one. My IFF is set - my Zoner reputation is flashing - but I still need to be "on friendlier terms." Also, either the Zoners have no missions I can take (as the have no enemies, I guess) r I just can't access them. Is this something with the Beta? What can I do?
2. I was looking at the restrictions on some of the ID, and many of them aren't able to use transports like the Adv. Trains. Who can use the trains? Only certain factions, like the GMG? What about independents (traders, miners, etc)?
Did it just get to flashing when you tried to buy the ID?
When I got my rep up, I went to buy the ID and found I couldn't. My rep appeared full and was flashing, but very slightly below max. Something I had done, I forget what, had lowered Zoner rep ever so slightly. So I got a GMG bribe and afterwards could buy the ID. You could try that, or pop a couple of BHG npcs and try again.
' Wrote:You can certainly have an adv train as an independent.
As a Zoner, as said above, you will need a Zoner Guard ID, which is not the easiest to get.
To have the Advanced Train, you have to have a corporate ID that supports it. You don't actually have to belong to the corporation, just have their ID (other than Interspace, of course.) The Independant Trader ID doesn't allow that ship. (And if I'm mis-reading what you're saying, my apologies.)
Quote:Independent Trader ID (formerly Trader ID)
Pilot carrying this ID is an independent trader, who:
* Can trade and escort traders
* Cannot attack anyone except in self defense
* Cannot fulfill bounty contracts
* Cannot pirate
* Cannot use any transports with more than 3,800 cargo
Allowed ships: Fighters, Bombers, Freighters, Transports
Carrying unmounted IDs in your ship, as well as not equipping an ID, is a serious crime.