This has really began to get confusing... The GMG first states that they will by no means help trader vessels if they are under attack by pirates in Sigma 13. Then they retract this statement. Which one is it?
To: Emperor Kogen
From: Michael Richter, Cheif of Shipping, RepEx
Your emenience, it is good to see such wisdom in the Kusari regime. We are, of course, huge supporters of interhouse trade between our nations. The prospect of these Ronin turning a blind eye toward pirates, even assisting them, boiled my blood, so to speak. That being said, I spoke harshly and in haste. My remarks were not directed at the GMG as a whole, but rather the subsegment that calls itself Ronin. It would please me if you were to arbitrate negotiations with RepEx, GMG, and Ronin delegations.
Needless to say RepEx will not stand by idly while our ships are attacked.
To: Guild Master Katsuo Okazaki
From: Michael Richter, Cheif of Shipping, RepEx
Honered sir, I apologized for my hot-headedness. You can understand, the loss of one of my vessels infurated me. Especially when the loss is not only preventable, but caused by so-called lawful organization. It is not my intent to blame the whole of the Gas Mining Guild, mearly the subsegment known as Ronin. It is my hope that you educate these members of your oganization promptley. To see the honored GMG siding with lawless, uncivilized Corsairs would sadden me to no end.
Now, as for the matter of security, with increased threats from the Corsairs, Blood Dragons, and other ner-do-wells, in addition to saber-rattling from these Ronin we see it as prudent to equip our private security wing, Profit's Revenge. Please understand they will enter your sovergein territory only as escorts for our trade vessels. As it is the stated opinion of Azuki Tamagochi that you will not assist our vessels I am sure you understand the need to defend our investments and pilots.
I would be pleased to enter into negotiations with the head of the GMG, these Ronin, and myself, with Emperor Kogen moderating, to discuss these matters further.
As a last note, unless a Rheinland Military ship bears the tag -PR at the end of their name they are not affilated with RepEx, and we have no responibilty for them, nor will we be slandered with their errors or stupidity.
This has really began to get confusing... The GMG first states that they will by no means help trader vessels if they are under attack by pirates in Sigma 13. Then they retract this statement. Which one is it?
***Transmission Over***
Perhaps certain parties are missing something in the translation filters.
At no time have I stated that Guild ships will refuse to assist trade ships. Understand this.
I will state that whether or not the Guild assists any trader is entirely at the discretion of the ships on duty. Traders are free to provide their own escort. As long as the ships do not fly the flag of the Rheinland Military or Kruger. If this 'Profit's Revenge' flies the Republican, or a private mercenary, flag then there will be no issue with it.
To: Michael Richter, Chief of Shipping, RepEx
From: Guild Master Raikoke
Subject: Rheinland/GMG relations
Priority: Any issue concerning Rheinland jumps to the top
Message reads:
Konichiwa [Greetings], Richter-san
The news of the unfortunate demise of one of your vessels have come to my attention. I do indeed feel sorry for your loss. The lives aboard the vessel were civilians and their loss was a completely unecessary one. Such is the way of those vile Corsairs. They do not hold onto the values and morals that we civilized folk hold dear.
Hearing that a ship carrying a GMG ID was working alongside Corsairs was almost too much to bear and investigations were initiated immediately after we came to know of this. So far reports have come in that there wasn't a GMG ship working alongside a Corsair, it appears that this pilot failed to act upon the Corsair. This too troubles me. I have never before heard of a GMG pilot not jumping to the opportunity of slaying a Corsair whenever one (or more) foolishly pop their heads in our space.
Now I'll just come out and say it. Never have I enforced any policy that would put any of our pilots lives in danger for the safety of any Rheinlander. It's just unheard of for the past couple centuries. We, of course, do adhere to a policy of keeping the lanes safe and I am sure by now the Ronin pilot knows that driving off Corsairs with extreme prejudism should have been the appropriate action at that time.
Our archives are full of info on The Eighty Year War when our predecessors defeated the entirety of the Rheinland fleet. A huge amount of lives were lost on both sides during those terrible years, all over a mistake in identifying the culprits that blew a Kruger ship. This along with that company grossly underestimating GMG, led to the destruction that is now called the Yanagi Debris Field. Look at the hulls of the ships. They are military ships, not civilian escort ships. This destructive conclusion that brought the RM fleet to an end also resulting in a treaty imposed upon and signed by the Chancelor of Rheinland. No one else, not the Chancelor's admirals, not the CEO's of the Chancelor's civilian corporation, not the Chancelor's Chief of Police. To undue any letter of that binding treaty will require the Chancelor of Rheinland and the leadership of GMG. No body else.
Having said all that, It may appear that I am currently painting an image of a grim and hostile future rife with conflict. This is not the actual case. I will offer something many in here would like to hear: a chance to review the centuries old Treaty of The Eighty and it's impact on present day Sirius. As I had earlier mentioned it will require the signatures of the present Chancelor of Rheinland and the current leadership of GMG. So if the Chancelor wishes to sit down with the GMG leadership and review the specifics of the treaty than we would be happy to sit down and talk about such things as rights of passage, co-ordinated border defence, trade security and even trade itself. The Chancelor of Rheinland need but name a time and place. You see it has indeed been a long time since The Eighty. Back then it was only Rheinland threatening us, now we have the guns of Corsairs foolishly turned against us and our relatively recent explorations have brought Outcasts upon our space as well, so the potential for us to put aside differences hasn't eluded us.
I'll await for a responce on this from your Chancelor and staff, any further discussions involving GMG and Rheinland diplomacy when within our borders will be held until then.
Arigato [thank you] for your time and again I am sorry for the loss of your ship and it's crew,
Guild Master Raikoke
Togashi Hoshi is therefore, from now on, in the regime of the most rigid restriction.
One more mistake, the slightest, the barest minimum and he wil be expelled. As from now he is denied rights of flying a fighting ship outside our Guard system for the period of one month , starting today.
Sen Tsudo is our liason officer, effective imiedatly, and we will both elaborate a document that sets Ronin foundatin in a way we aren't seen as one more group but a responsible wing of GMG under autonomous command but submited to the rules and regulations of GMG and the directions of the guild masters.
We will be still few and as disciplined as possible.