It seems that every time I wish to post in the server status thread, it's locked. What good is it if it is locked all the time? Anyway, the server is acting up, real bad. People are being kicked all over for cheating and I cannot undock without a timeout.
Don't panic? The server is hanging constantly and people are being kicked for apparent cheating, which is unlikely given the numbers. I dunno what's going on, could be that somebody is doing something behind the scenes (whether within reason or malicious) and maybe the server needs a restart.
I have been getting unusually colossal lag in the past 5 mins, and the anti-cheat software seems to be going on a drunken rampage through the server. Best just wait it out i say.
There's plenty of other stuff to do. Talk on Skype, write something, go outside, play another game, hang out with your friends, rub ub to your girl/boyfriend.