A pilot (transport) was caught in Alaska, a order had been issued to return to jg, pilots responds: "You have to return with me." I replied; "Really!?" Pilot begins to tell me that my Navy Guard Id states : "Cannot lawfully enter Alaska." Ha Ha... well what do you say to that, so the pilot and I exited Alaska.
The Liberty Navy Guard ID says you cannot lawfully enter Alaska. This needs to be fixed or is this an intentional change? - or there is to be no naval forces allowed in Alaska.
Props for following the ID man. Good to see. Keep up the good work and good attitude and you'll go a long way.
There was a huge debate about who can and cannot enter Alaska. I don't know what it is now, but I think only LSF and Senior LN officers may enter Alaska? You'll have to wait until someone actually knows, comes in and can tell you.
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.
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