This is a Role Play ONLY thread. Do not post here out of charachter, please.
Quote:...incoming transmission...
From: Cesare Lorry - Hellfire Legion
To: Lane Hacker's HQ - Deputy of AEGIS Hacking Team
Dear friends,
Drake Tharsus, Hellfire Legion supreme commander, delegated me to begin diplomatic negotiations with you regarding a specifc issue. This means that from now on I will speak on behalf of all the Hellfire Legion with regard to this topic.
Hellfire Legion wonders if there is the possibility to use the Liberty's Robotic Ships you've hacked to support Hellfire Legion small (or even large) scale military actions. Keep in mind that we could help AEGIS in mox refuelling or other activities if required.
We are quite confident that given our long term frienship you will put some effort in the evaluation of our request.
' Wrote:Message recieved, uncoded, recoded, data transmitting...
From: Chief Professor on Leiden Base hidden in the Kamatsu Cloud.
To: HellFire Legion HQ on Mactan Base somewhere in the barrier.
Dear Cesare Lorry of Hellfire Legion or
To him or her it may concern,
Due to that we have the same goal's I think it would be clear to share basic confidential information with you.
The AEGIS concept in itself is allowed to escort and to protect in its original programing for those who now stand against Ageira. Through "tweaking" the system it (AEGIS) will never attack any ship with a Lane Hacker IFF and will provide that said escort and protection.
However, due to the limitations of the AEGIS coding, it will remain independent from general orders from other factions. So one can only expect that it will protect your fleet with its own, yet hopefully, supplemental fleet operations.
However, such activities that is not in the original programming such as MOX bombing, the AEGIS cannot do attempt, threaten or do itself.
-Name removed to protect Ageira Identity Theft
Chief Professor on Leiden Base
-End of Messege-
Lump Lorry on behalf of the Lorry Family
(Former chars on Disco 4.82)-- The old Lorry Family --
Lump Lorry freelancer trader. chief of the Lorrys | Manta Lorry freelancer pilot | [HF] Cesare Lorry fighter pilot, HF member | sso|Ace Wolverine Lorry bounty hunter | [RM] M(anfred) Von Lorryhofen Rheinland Military pilot | [AEGIS] GB 303 Ticonderoga AEGIS artificial intelligence gunboat | (secret
member) In charge of keeping the family's secrets
As the AEGIS gunboat Icon of Hate, I think it would be against RP for the AEGIS to get an officially Alliance with any of the other factions. I think friendly is the highest.
' Wrote:As the AEGIS gunboat Icon of Hate, I think it would be against RP for the AEGIS to get an officially Alliance with any of the other factions. I think friendly is the highest.
Verginix out
OOC 1: I kindly do not agree. AEGIS has been hacked by Lane Hackers. HF have quite good relations with Lane Hackers... why Lane Hackers should not include in AEGIS programming also the rule/command to give friendly help to HF in defined (by the coding) cases?
OOC 2: p.s. Anyway the first letter in my first post has been written by Cesare Lorry (AKA Lump Lorry), the second one is the reply of the hacking team (AKA LHFCo Freighter CEO).
OOC 3: this is supposed to be a RP ONLY thread. Please... you wanto to post here, do it in char. Any discussion about who and what AEGIS are may kept in the AEGIS concept thread
Lump Lorry on behalf of the Lorry Family
(Former chars on Disco 4.82)-- The old Lorry Family --
Lump Lorry freelancer trader. chief of the Lorrys | Manta Lorry freelancer pilot | [HF] Cesare Lorry fighter pilot, HF member | sso|Ace Wolverine Lorry bounty hunter | [RM] M(anfred) Von Lorryhofen Rheinland Military pilot | [AEGIS] GB 303 Ticonderoga AEGIS artificial intelligence gunboat | (secret
member) In charge of keeping the family's secrets