This is Alic Hogan reporting live from CST headquarters just moments before a press release from Compressed Space Technology.
The occasion marks the beginning of a new era of life for the corporation, whom has recently begun research again after a period of downtime.
We now go live to CST's very own Daniel Alster.....
*Daniel Alster steps up to the lecturn. Clearing his throat, he addresses the mob of reporters who have gathered.
"On behalf of CST. I am delighted to announce that in cooperation with Cambridge Research Institute and Cryer Pharmaceuticals, we have started construction of new Nomad Containers at Cambridge Research Station. These state-of-the-art containers will then be transferred to the CST Nomad Warehouse (CNW), at a an undisclosed location.
The construction completes the second link in CST infrastructure, based out of Ames research station in Kepler.
Many jobs and opportunities have and will arise as this exciting project progresses. It is clearly a step forward for all of Sirius.
Thank you."
*Daniel nods to the press, steps down from the lecturn, and walks through a doorway behind, security following closely*
That was CST spokesperson, Daniel Alster, on one of the projects in the front line of CST's research.
Although short, the press release outlines the current activities of CST. Here's hoping that the project yields some rewarding results.
We will continue to keep you informed on CST's projects as they progress.
This is Alic Hogan, for Galactic News.