I'd do this via PM here except I don't know who the folks affected are on the forums.
My net acts up at times. When it does, I will log on my trader, called the Devonshire, and go a-trading, rather than trying to fly a fighter. This does mean that I might seem to vanish randomly on occasion - this is my internet cutting out. If you're trying to talk to me/rob me/shoot my ship - then if I vanish, I will do my very best to get back to you promptly. If my net stays down for an unreasonable amount time, I have not vanished because I have F1ed on you, and in the event that you were trying to rob me, I'll send along however much it was you were demanding. When this has happened, the folks on the other end were quite understanding - I'm just posting this in case it happens again.
And right after I posted this, it would appear that someone opted to blow me up in space just outside Southampton Shipyard - I was quite literally next to it. As far as I was aware, I was -in- the shipyard, docked, and had sold my cargo. Seems the server hadn't registered that. I now have a hefty hull repair fee. I hope whoever did that fired a cruise disruptor to make the station hostile to them and that they enjoy the ship hull panels.