Due to a few people asking if IMG trading events can be held, I decided to do a random generator roll on what to do this time round for an event - mining or trading. Guess what came up? Yep, trading..
This actually will be good as an event if several of us are able to meet up all at once - so that's the aim, to get at least seven IMG| guys on and roaming about sirius at the same time.:)
..On the other hand, this probly means I have to look at and update my IMG ultra super mega trade route of epicness, which is going to take forever and be just as frustrating as it was to create, but oh well..
To get as many people to come as possible (and give me time to get the trade route done - I so want to do it:D), lets set the date somewhere around early September. The last event turned out alright - Mobius had their fight, Gateway had their trade, we had our mine - but the major downer to it (and probly the reason why it fizzled out earlier than expected) was that it was so late notice. I'm going to make sure not to make that same mistake again..
Soo yea, let's see when folk's are available around the first and second weeks of September. For me I'd expect my availablity to be the same as it is now - Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 6/7pm to 1am GMT, and Teusdays 6/7pm GMT to well into the Wednesday morning. I don't know when school holidays are in Europe but I'm still expecting this not to be held on a weekday because of school (might be proved wrong though:))
Lets just figure out a date and time for now, and figure out the meeting place to start off later.