Incomming Transmission to Gran Canaria
Destination: Zoner Official Channels
Source: Ship Dealer; Freeport 2
Comm ID: Destrillion
Greetings my Zoner friends and colleagues. For those who have managed not to hear of me, my name is Johann Tycho Xenocrates. That's Zen-ok-rah-teez for any reading this rather than listening. Some call me Tycho the Strange! I like that quite a bit actually, so you may use it if you like.
I currently operate with a Freelancing license aboard a lovingly crafted and modified CSF vessel that I have dubbed the Destrillion. However, I am quickly seeing the limits to this vessel's survivability, especially with my vocation in science and eccentricity over messy things like combat. Also, without a crew and proper facilities, I am able to transport equipment and people but find myself unable to properly explore, research, and otherwise perform the duties of a scientist!
As any of you in the intellectual fields might understand, this is frustrating, and almost dehumanizing; not being able to do what you were born to do and all.
As such, I have been looking about for some time and have come to a decision. I would like, at a future date once my financial situation enables me to do so, to lease, rent, or buy one of your marvelous Corvo exploration vessels. Naturally, I would use this vessel for trade, personal enjoyment of myself and the crew in the form of witnessing all that is interesting in the universe, and of course for science, research, and exploration. I am willing to do whatever you deem needed for this to happen. I am fond of neutrality as it grants me access to all lands for the sake of observation, so there are no outstanding debts or obligations to factional entities. My reputation however has not spread to all ears so there are likely many deeds and donations needed to achieve your true neutrality. If you like, I am willing to fully join the Zoner people if it can allow my dream of a mobile science installation and observatory to take flight in the brilliant Sirius skies.
Please contact me by whatever means you wish to discuss this. I am eager to hear from any of you in authority on this sort of thing. Oh, I haven't been to lengthy have I? Please let me know if you desire more concise communications in the future!
Unfortunately, Freelancer papers are not capable of covering Cruiser permits. If you wish to apply for the purchase of a Corvo Explorer, you would need to have a permit that will allow you to pilot Cruiser class vessels.
Ah I see. Well then, it would seem I will need to work at things. The lifestyle and endeavors of the Zoners appeal to me greatly, and I believe the ideals of your group and my own personal ideology mesh quite well! Yes yes, I do believe experiencing life from your points of view shall be most rewarding. Expect to see me around. I shall resume my attempts to commision a Corvo once I have things a bit more in order. Many gratitudes Guard Lightwing.