Disposal|Transport-506 has been sanctioned owing to a report posted for:
Quote: 6.2 Out of Roleplay (OORP):
In-game tag seen before the name must match the ID as closely as possible. It is not allowed to have the tag not match ID category. For example, it is prohibited to have 'Police' tag and 'Pirate' ID.
Equipment used must match tag and ID as closely as possible. For example, it is not allowed for Corsairs to use Outcast ships and guns.
Wha... What was that!? M... My god it was a reinforced Liberator screaming by wi... Was that man naked?
Yes, it was none other than Officer Cesar of the LPI! His enormous naked bulk, glistening beneath a sheen of sugary frosting, jiggled madly with every wild flail of his mammoth frame as he demanding that he pull over!
Editor note: I'm going to fast forward at this point as I have a half dozen other sanctions to fill out and I want to enjoy my day.
Then the captain was trapped beneath Cezar, flailing hopelessly amidst the rolls and dark secret places of the man's gargantuan body and he cried and cried.
And was then fined 10 million credits.
And was then set to hostile with the LPI.
The End.
Note only did you laugh off the LPI officer telling you to hold it but then you actually decided to sit there and shoot at him for a while before docking?
Ye it was a bit odd i do admit i was just thinking at the time if i docked the planet after defending off the LPI that i went to my 'secret' warehouse in the countryside of manhatton i know people say arrest him on planet side and its OORP to dock but why do you always have to dock manhattons city you may look like you did because its easyer for everyone but couldn;t you make RP by saying to snuck off into the forest etc etc...
But well it wont happen again sorry dusty and LPI dude.:D
EDIT: Dusty i do love your little storys when you sacntion people makes me want to do more wrongs just to see what else you can come up with. But i won't :P