Here speaks the captain of the <strike>smuggling</strike> trading vessel Dodgeball.
today I was flying in Leeds, with a hold full of military warmachines, when I ran into one of your ensigns by the name of Arthur Wilson. he blocked the way to the TAU 31 jumpgate, and told me to go via Edinburgh. I was headed for battleship Macduff by the way, not Nagasaki, or anything. no sirrie.
so I followed said officer to edinburgh and then on to the Macduff. I dropped of the military hardware and returned to edinburgh. there, I landed on Perth to stock up on <strike>gaian wildlife</strike> toys for those, poor, poor refugee childeren.
it was then that officer Wilson started to blackmail me. I had made a joke about smugging gaian wildlife. of course, I wouldn`t DREAM of doing that. I`m way too honest for that. but he started to blackmail me non the less. he threatened me with death, and "doing some hard time". he even pictured what would happen to my rear end, am I to end up in Newgate. by the way, the name Newgate... does that suggest ya get ripped a New (rear)Gate in there? hahahahahaha. Eris, I`m funny.
anyway, he even acknowledged that if I were to bribe him, he would turn a blind eye to my <strike>dastardly smuggling operations</strike> mankind loving charity operations.
is this what the BAF has become? ex-jailbatts who threaten, blackmail and take bribes? long ago, I was shot at out of sheer principle. what happened to those days? what happened to you BAF? we used to get along so well... we were always so close... exchanging shots, instead of insults and threats.
damn, I`m getting all emotional here... gotta score some more <strike>cardi</strike> teddybears to perk up.
anyway, I demand that I get shot at, like the old days. I won`t stand for being treated like the dirty, backstabbing smuggler that I am. I demand respect! I risk my life to make sure Kusari forces can end yours, and this is what I get? I will sue!
I demand a compensation for mental damage sustained by this officer`s dreadfull behavior. around 5 mil will do. and I demand that officer Wilson is fired. and that I can stay in queen Carina`s quarters for a week.
I await your reply. but I won`t care what you think, anyway.
An Honest, Hard Working, Law Abiding Dude called Dodgeball