A single Screen was enlightened, all other were Dark.Since only one Officer observed the whole Floor of the Station, no one Noticed it.The Screen showed just a single Message.The Screen showed a Man, maybe about 50 Years old.
this is Francoise Certilles.I am the Capitan of the EFL|Bordeaux.Since I am sure marked as a Traitor, I dont need to explain my Situation.I only want to tell my Side of the Story.
Me and my Crew are no longer servants of le Crown.Since this Ship is a Part of Gallia, I will continue to use it in Gallia.I dont have to say, what le Crown tells us about le Council.
But think about it, just for a Moment.Have you ever seen a Council Vessel attack you? Or any other Civiliste?
I guess not.
While I am sending this last Message, my Crew is having Dinner.
You may ask: "Dinner? But there is nothing out there!"
But I can tell you, there is something.There is freedom.We docked at a Base of the "Outcasts".And against all Rumours, these People are not Greedy or Sick.They are just like us.
So, remember: What ever le Crown and her Servants may tell you: Freedom is just one Flight away.
We crossed the Border in Lorraine, trough the Mine field.We had to reload our Shield, our Hull got sratched - but we are Free.
Right after the Jump, I contacted one of the Officers.I dont have to comment it, since it speaks for Itselfs.
I hope, le Council will have a usage for an aged Transport and his Crew.
This is Francois Certilles, Capitan of the Bordeaux.
Vive la Resistance!
Merci to GRP|Dan.Fortesgue for the greatest RP ever!
The whole thing came unplanned, I just headed Rambo-like trough the Minefield and ..yeah, that`s it,
Basically.No I only need to fix my Reputation to Le Council.That`s gonna take a while, but it was worth it.