I keep getting an error message when I try to look at the new RP violations and help requests sub forum.
While I don't need to actually report a violation at the moment, when i noticed the new sub boards, I thought I'd take a look to see how they worked. Unfortunately, I got an error message when I tried to get to the board. Since I can't see the board at all, there is no New Post button, so there is no way for me to send the report if I needed to.
The PvP version of the board doesn't have the problem, since there's a topic on there already. (The PvP Name Change Request topic, to be specific)
Perhaps a message from the Admins explaning the purpose of the board could be posted and stickied to make the board appear and maybe make the Admins' jobs a bit easier.
How are you supposed to pose RP violations when you can't even enter the forum. If you seam strang to have a forum where it is not even posible to make complaints in a section dedicated to doing just that.
I have separated the "Help requests" part from the "Violation reports" one because the rule violations reports must remain invisible to all save to the admins, and the help requests should be visible to all.
So, when you report, you will get a message about moderator validation. such validation will never occur because the topic has to remain invisible, but the thread will be seen by all admins.
The result of said thread will be posted on the corresponding "player sanctions" subforum if the admin team determines that the report is valid, and the player being reported has to be sanctioned.
(If you find any mistake in my English, please let me know via a PM)
(Really, I speak terrible English, so please, tell me if I make mistakes. I'd like to improve it a bit )