Signal found...
...establishing encoded transmission 23% 67% 100% Transmission established.
Greetings Dr.Jameson,
Dwight Novak here, Taskmaster of the Vagrant Raiders.
If you remember we had a bit of a discussion after helping you with a certain... matter.
Uhm, back to the point. During that discussion you offered the Raiders access to one
of your most formidable crafts, the Tridente.
And now I send this message to you Doctor, because I want to take you up on this offer,
if there are any available Tridentes at this moment.
I will keep this channel open and eagerly wait for your response.
Signal found...
...establishing encoded transmission 21% 69% 100% Transmission established.
Thank you for the swift reply, and i thank you for allowing me the usage of your fine
weaponary aswell. But ill stick to the Lane Hacker Guns.
See you out there.