Message to: Curacao, Cortez
Comm ID: Eugene Krank
Location: Manhattan, New York
While flying in Manchester, I came across a guy in the BAF...we were both fairly bored, so we got to talking. He sympathized with my shipyard difficulties, and even offered to retrieve the needed part for me from one of Bretonia's shipyards! What a generous offer...I accepted, of course, though I'll definitely have to pay him back as soon as I possibly can.
So finally, my armored transport is complete! Her comm ID is the same as my name for now, but she's already been christened "Pacifica" in my mind. Someday, I want to make that name official; but for now, I'm just happy to have my ship at last.
Finally, I can wear the uniform of an OSC ship captain; I'd have been embarrassed to wear it while flying that Turanic Raiders light fighter! Of course, she is very poorly equipped right now, with a bare minimum of weaponry and a standard civilian transport shield. I'm going to mine a bit of silver so I can afford accommodations for my first load of passengers.
All told, this is one of the proudest days of my life.
-Captain Krank
EDIT: I was contacted by {BD}Kokuryu, and asked to relay the transmission to the OSC CEO; they would like to open diplomatic channels of a sort, apparently. I hope some good comes of this.
Message to: OSC HQ, Curacao
Comm ID: Eugene Krank
Location: Freeport 2, Bering
I just wanted to pre-empt Brenda's likely communication and assure you that the passengers were not in any danger; the Liberty Rogues' Bloodhounds and Wolfhounds were never a threat even to my Camara, and less so to the Pacifica. I expect that our passenger approval ratings will reflect the interesting sights they saw, rather than the danger some imagine they might've been in.
At any rate, we're making excellent progress to the Stuttgart system. I look forward to spending a day's layover on Baden Baden.
Comm ID: [OSC]-Adrian.McKinley
Name: Adrian McKinley
Position: Fighter Pilot
Division: Defense
To: All [OSC] personnel
Subject: Shetland Defense; Request to Transfer to Bretonia
***Begin transmission***
As it seems as Eman had pointed out, the NLH are becoming a constant threat to OSC in the Bretonian sector of operations. In the light of these recent events I would like to request that I transfer from the Kusari sector of our field operations to the Bretonian side of things. I wonder if the Sirius Federation would let me acquire one of their Templar very heavy fighters as well, despite the Eagle being more agile, the armor is what matters out in that terrain. I'm also hoping that I would not be the only one stationed in that system as I would be fresh meat for the NLH.
On another note, I have acquired the needed armor upgrade to ensure defense operations move smoothly. Because the funds were drawn from the corporate account I will make sure to donate some of my income from defending the Shetland into corporate accounting.
Message to: OSC HQ, Curacao
Comm ID: Eugene Krank
Location: Fort Bush, New York
With the sale of my old mining ship, I had acquired enough money to upgrade my armored transport to a Kusari cruise liner. She handles well, though she's not as well-armed as I would hope. I'll be taking her to get some Purple Goddess civilian chaingun turrets shortly to replace my Wildfires.
So far, no run-ins with the NLH to report...though I've generally stayed out of Bretonia anyway. No real trouble to report at all, which is of course the best kind.
For my next run, I plan a real treat for the passengers; because this is an open comm channel, I dare not discuss it yet. To get there, we will have to fly through some potentially quite hazardous space, and I'd just as soon not alert comm-hacking pirates to my plans.
Never fear, though; your investment is in good hands, and I will as always ensure the safety of my passengers above all else.
Message to: OSC HQ, Curacao
Comm ID: Eugene Krank
Location: Augsberg Orbital Colony, Munich System
After a few passenger runs, I've determined it will take approximately forever to save up the credits for a luxury liner. I would re-purchase a Beetle were it not for the poor firing arcs of her turrets...I'm thinking quite seriously about refitting a cargo-hauler to be a passenger vessel. The Bumblebee in particular; all she needs is a few more windows along her flanks and she'd make a thoroughly decent little mini-liner. Another possibility is the Kusari Transport; enormous stores of fuel and lots of extra space for transporting construction crews. All it would need is a Curacao touch to the living quarters, rearrange some of the corridors and cargo holds, add already has plenty of windows.
Message to: OSC HQ, Curacao
Comm ID: Eugene Krank
Location: Augsberg Orbital Colony, Munich System
The issue of ship selection is no longer a Brenda's insistence I have purchased a Kusari Cruise Liner, in spite of my own misgivings about the design. I plan to be quite busy for the next few weeks or so, as I take overtime in an effort to save up enough money to buy a proper cruise ship.
Message to: OSC HQ, Curacao
Comm ID: Eugene Krank
Location: Planet Manhattan, New York System
While the individual in question has assured me that no lawsuit will be filed, I nonetheless think it's prudent to file a report. Today, returning to Manhattan to pick up a load of consumer goods and passengers, I encountered a furball over Manhattan consisting of a lone Xeno in a Crow and numerous LSF, LPI, and independents.
I decided to assist, and within seconds managed to down an independent in an Avenger with indiscriminate fire. I then disengaged and offered 500k to the independent by way of compensation; but he said not to worry about it, so I landed. The defenders of Liberty eventually finished off the very evasive Xeno, by the way.
Also, progress continues apace as I save up for a Royal Liner. Counting the sale price of the Kusari liner, I expect to need 90 million credits for the purchase; 76 more than I now have.
Goal: 90 million credits
Current finances: 14 million credits