' Wrote:Wait wait wait wait.... Something just hit me.
Your in a Zoner transport which means your Zoner Guard right? Why are you docking on bases in house space?
You're right I'm coming from Munich. I though it wasn't part of house space and looking at the list now I can see I was wrong.
I'm still sick of these crappy rp encounters which is why I was complaining in the first place. I know things aren't always going to go my way but I'm tired of almost every encounter being the same way, a talking robot wall.
' Wrote:I dont think Tau 29 is "Zoner" space, I think the Zoner factions would agree that the area's of Tau 29 that would be considered "Zoner" space are the area around the freeport and maybe the area around the Baffin jh. It's irrelevant though, because the TAZ and Kusari have always had good relations and the Zoners there would never stand in the way of an Officer of Kusari enforcing Kusari law outside the Freeport No Fire Zone.
You don't see me quoting Zelot and agreeing much. This is one of those times. He speaks truth.
Quote:Except registered vessels, export traffic of the following products from Kusari to the Taus is restricted to Samura, Kishiro and GMG (ID+IFF).
Plutonium, Deuterium, H-Fuel, MOX, Military Vehicles, Light Arms, Ship Hull panels, Engine Components.
Gaijins found exporting the above listed products will be escorted to the nearest Kusari base or requested to drop the cargo on spot if escort not available.
Upon refusal to cooperate they will be considered hostile targets. Fine: 2M, cargo confiscated or escorted to the nearest allied station if no alternate transport is available
(Hogosha may deal in light arms and be ignored)
Nearest station = the Battleship just after the gate.
Note that I told you about I forget the fine because you explicitly told me you weren't heading to Bretonia but to Yamaguchi.
I just did my job.
Oh and you CANNOT buy the military and even less a kusarian. On the other hand, my LN would even let a cardamine smuggler go his way with your offer:)