i just thought about some things on my way home from the doctor today...
first was;
why dont he have black market pharmaseuticals in this game? im sure the junkers/outcasts (mostly outcasts since they HATE cryer) should be able to have some. Basically their like normal pharmaseuticals, just bit
higher price and the effect/quality of the drugs are uncertain.
second was:
Black market commodities. Basically, stolen stuff. Like i would immagine a corsair storehouse have some million stolen plasma TV's, stolen microwave ovens. Stuff like that.
bit higher prices, but due to unknown origin, quality and guarantie, few or no lawful planet/stations will buy them.
third was:
black market equipment.
This would be things like, lockpick sets, hacking devices, crowbars, hijacking sets/devices. Anything a "planet side burglar would need"
costs around 6-900 a piece
is sold at most junker bases. sells very well at rouge/molly/outcast/corsair/hessian bases
fourth was:
Black market vehicles (military or not)
how to describe this idea...
your hover-ferrari is stolen, pick it up at any unlawful base. SELLS EXTREMLY WELL at planets like manhatten, new berlin, new tokyo, new london.
well thats my ideas. i think we need some more smuggling/ semi-legal commodities in this game.