Gerard arrived at freeport 5. Setting his vessel in Orbit around the station he stood up and motioned to his co-pilots to relax and slowly start the daily maintenance on the vessel. Gerard opened the airlock of the Cockpit room and walked in down the ladder leading to the cargo bay. The cargo bay was creepy, barely enough place for food rations and such things that Gerard had a hard time to compact in the small allowed space of the Cargo Bay, everything else was divided by cells, big barred metals cells all over the cargo place, enough place for around 60 prisonners. Gerard walked around the cells, taking a creepy look at the few prisonners that he had in his ship and smiled a some of them. He arrived at the cargo maintenance console, where connected his computer to scan any anormaly in the system. ***Scanning, scanning....Beep, beep, beep, beep, Scanning complete*** everything was fine. Gerard wanted to make sure the cargo hold was safe, he did'nt want to let anything happen down here, in fear to loose his precious donation. He then proceeded to walk to a small container in the cargo hold, filled with cold plasma. Inside the plasma was placed 6 odd brain-looking things that he had placed in 6 different bottles. He opened the container to verify everything was there. Everything was fine, Gerard closed the container and walked up the ladder to the Cockpit room where his two co-pilots had just finished the main system maintenance. Gerard spoke to the two co-pilots and ordered them to stay on the ship for the night, they had to keep an eye on the cargo hold and makes sure the prisonners receive the strict minimum amount of food and water to survive one day at a time, that way they would never get the strenght to flee even if they wanted to. The Co-Pilots noded and proceeded to theyr respective posts, they knew what to do. Gerard smiled and proceeded to board the pod that would brings him inside of Freeport 5. As soon as he sat in, the pod launched into the space and proceeded to the docking bay.
Inside Freeport 5, Gerard walked around the station, not paying attention to people that had crossed him in space and were looking at him as if they wanted all the bad things in the universe to happen to him. He proceeded directly to the pub where he asked for Jacob Arsenault, a very old contact with whom he had business in the past. They talked for some time about everything and nothing, but Gerard was here for a reason, he needed a place to live for a few time, away from everything else. Gerard knew that Jacob was never in his room, he was always away to fulfil contract or meet with business partners all around Sirius. He was even lucky to find Jacob at the pub this day. Jacob agreed and handed over the magnetic card to unlock the room, he then shaked Gerard's hand before leaving to see someone else in the pub. Gerard proceeded to the room, where he layed down on the bed and took out a small recording device.
''It all began in Omega-7, when I vas still workin' for dah Hessians.
Is vas on mah way back tah Freidal base in Omega-11 when I vas interrupted by ''Unschund'' 'n another vessel dat' I wus' not able tah see very well, mah scanners were nawt able tah scan it either. At first, I vas meant tah die as he said...but fo' sum' reasons I got spared, and
I vas asked tah assist dem' . I vas not quiet certain' 'bout it at first, but fo' meh, it vas an occasion tah fulfil mah true wishes..dah, and dat' is one of teh reasons I have left dah Hessians organisation...when I realised dat' mah true goal was not tah raise funds and help an already lost cause but I was only fulfiling what mah hearth was tellin' me tah do . Now, tah come back on deh subject...
Deir' goal was tah ''Spread the light''. Of course, dat' goal sounded somehow crazy tah me, but thinkin' about it...I accepted dah task. I vas now working on mah own goals aswell as helpin' dem find ''Flesh'', pilots, humans beeing.... Now, what I had tah do was clear, but I had yet tah find a way tah get in communcation with Unshcud or the other pilots. ''
Gerard has just finished recording that he already fell asleep. The next morning, Gerard boarded his ship, slapping the two co-pilots that fell asleep during their watch turns and then proceeded to his seat where he activated all the devices prior to engage cruiser and jump thru jump holes. He was headed for Omega-11. This is where the hunt really began. He had just arrived in Omega-11 that a Corsair transport was spotted in the northern area of the system. Quickly setting the cruise computer to heard to that location, they arrived just in time to interrupt him.
Both vessel had just opened secure communications that one of the co-pilot who engaged the scanning devices spotted three life signs aboard the ship, their uniform codebar informed that they were Red Hessians pilots. Gerard smiled and turned on the weapon systems, just in case the Corsair was not going to cooperate. After a little chat with the Corsair, he decided to let the pilots board Gerard's vessel. He communicated to the pirate transport to wait in his current location, he had something to do in the cargo bay. Gerard stood up and grabed a tazing pistol from the armory locker in the cockpit room. He walked down the ladders and smiled at the pilots, they were very grateful for saving their lives. Gerard aimed the pistol at every of them, shooting one bolt at the time until they were all laying on the ground, paralzyed, unable to do anything. Gerard started removing every uniforms on the pilots and then dragged every of them in different cells, leaving behind orange prisonners jumpsuit for them to wear once they wake up. He took the old uniforms and loaded them in an ejection pod and launched them into the space. He then walked up to the Cockpit room and informed the co-pilots they were not Hessians pilots, the scanner was mistaken.
Gerard communicated with the Corsair pilot, ordering him to leave the area, since he had a deal with the Red Hessians about the use of his Heimdail gunboat. The Corsair transport had just received the message that his was already mocking Gerard about the fact that he would be foolish to think he can order a Corsair around. Still laughing, the Corsair pilot had not realised that Gerard already engaged combat with the transport, his shields were already down, the pilot had already used all his batteries in a last fight since he did'nt have any on boards. Slowly eating the hull of the transport, due to the Capital Armor Upgrade 8 used on it, the transport jumped into Omega-41. Gerard followed the ship on the other side, the corsair vessel had engaged the gunboat, slowly eating it's shield. Gerard still firing on the corsair and slowly eating the hull of the ship, the corsair pilot headed right into a mine field. Now both vessel were firing at each other in a field full of mines, explosions everywhere, Gerard's shield almost down, the transport finaly exploded. Gerard smiled and ordered the co-pilots to use the power from auxiliary batteries to recharge the shield. Looking in the space, the other co-pilot had spotted a floating crate and quickly tractored it in. He then proceeded down in the cargo bay to open it. It was very odd....35 units of chunks of crystal and metal inscribed with decorative patterns. The co-pilot closed the box and headed upstair in the cockpit room where he informed Gerard about the odd items he had just tractor in. Extremly happy about it, Gerard ordered to head back to Freeport 5, where they would call that a day.
The next morning,
Gerard woke up in the small room he had rented from his friend Jacob, in Freeport 5. He grabbed a small recording device and started the record.
''Rmmh, day two. I have alot of prisonners in dah cells, I need tah find a way to contact ''Unchund'' or dah other pilots that flew with him. There's nothing much tah be said in dis' record, I'll go fer a breakfast n' den' we'll set flight tah look out for dem'.''
He placed the recording device in his pocket and walked outside the room, locking the door behind. Fews minutes of walking around the freeport, he finaly reach the docking bay where to pod leading to his vessel was, Gerard could'nt wait to make his first donation. Inside his vessel, the two co-pilots had already done the system maintenance and were ready to activate the cruise engines, but Gerard walked down the ladders to verify if everything was there, like everyday he had his computer with him and he connected it to the cargo hold maintenance computer to do the checkup, as always, everything was fine. On his way back to the cockpit room he stopped next to the crate they looted in their last fight against the Corsair and opened it. Gerard was intrigued about the artifacts he had looted, he smiled, looking at the beautiful objects. Fews seconds after closing the crate, he was always up in his seat ready to set flight. Their destination was Stuttgart.
Arrived in Stuttgart, there were words of Rheinland Military patrols in the system, he had just docked the trade lane that one of the vessel with a scimilar IFF than the one he met before was spotted on his scaners. He quickly interrupted his course and headed his way. The two ships were face to face, the pilot of the other vessel suggered to move in a more appropriate zone of the system because of the Rheinland Military patrols. Gerard and the other ship headed north into a huge cloud where 3 other vessels with the same IFF joined the location after a few minutes. After some time of speaking with the pilot, Gerard loaded all the prisonners, the brains and the artifacts in a transit pod and launched it torward the other ship that quickly looted it aboard. They were pleased, as they told Gerard. Gerard asked the pilot if there was a way to make the donations without having to meet everytime. The pilot informed him of an agreement at Freeport 1. Gerard was pleased and proceeded back to Freeport 5 where he gave his crew a day of vacation. Gerard also used this time to think about his next moves.
Gerard walked inside Freeport 1, looking around and asking directions to the local Pub. Finally arrived there, Gerard sat on a stool and nodded at the Bartener.
''What can I get for you today sir ?'' ''Rmmh, Give me yer best beer, n' I want sumthin' good alrigh' ?''
''Certainly sir, one moment''
After a few seconds, the bartender came back to Gerard with the best beer he could find, setting it up on the counter top with a glass. Gerard pushed the glass away and took a sip of his beer and smiled.
''Now dat's good beer mein herr''
''I'm glad to hear that sir, anything else I can do for you ?''
''Mmh yeh, there's somethin'. Would yeh happen teh know about my friend ''Archimedes'' ?
The bartender nodded once and left to the back room where he stayed for some time. When he came back to Gerard he smiled and informed him that everything had been done succesfully. Gerard smiled and finished his beer before setting flight to Freeport 5.
Arrived in his room, Gerard took his recording device
''Alrigh'. Seems like they were righ' about it. So that was 15 passengers, 5 corsair pilots, 6 Bounty Hunter pilots, a couple vacationers and dat' brain thingy succesfuly donated, I certainly hope dey'll be happy.''