Full name: Henrique Maximus
Place of Birth: Battleship Le Napoleon , location unknown
Date of Birth: 710 AGS - 795 AS
Current Employment: Unofficial Gallic Royal Navy Pilot
Current Ships Owned:
- Lynx VHF Class
Age: 23
Weight: 220
Height: 6'1"
Diet: Royal Navy Rations
To be informed upon death: N/A
Family Members: N/A
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Green
Nationality: Gallic
Call Sign: Ace
Born on Battleship Le Napoleon 710 AGS. My Mother and Father was both killed in service of the Royal Navy on board the Battleship Le Napoleon. All information regarding this tragic incident is still classified by the Royal Navy as top secret... with no living relatives I had to be raised by a friend of the family until I was old enough to be shipped of to boarding school and there after the Royal Naval Academy, I graduated top of my class in flight school, fighter combat and special operations...
Shipped off to the border world during the Council attack at The Languedoc Offensive against the Council. I lost a whole unit while on patrol scouting out Council secret bases and fleet movements after being attacked by the Council I spent months in a Council prison enduring severe torture and finally managed to escape on board a transport and had been injured by an explosion from a Maquis bomb during the escape. I spent a month in a medical facility on Avallon Station. there after I was scheduled to return home to the Core Worlds with a honorable discharge an Ace with 317 confirmed kills. However the discovery of the jump hole in Languedoc and Lorraine to Sirius prevented my return. Soon after the King called all combat pilots back into service. I am currently stationed at Avallon Station awaiting the Kings orders...