Left 4 Dead Wiki Wrote:Chet Faliszek revealed on a GTTV interview that a new DLC for Left 4 Dead will be released where a player must sacrifice themselves at the end so that their team can escape, giving them the choice on who dies. Also stated on GTTV is that the Comic Book story of the same DLC will give the actual story of who dies.
' Wrote:This thread is so stupid that a bird sitting on a nearby tree just EXPLODED.
It won't be Francis or Zoey, since they mentioned interactions with those two survivors and the new ones. Louis is too cowardly to sacrifice himself, so.. poor Bill:(
In the Left 4 Dead campaign you get to choose who dies, but in the Left 4 Dead 2 campaign it's already been decided for you. They're releasing a comic to tell the story of who dies.