// WARNING // The autor isn't English so expect some grammar errors and spelling mistakes. // WARNING //
SHIP NAME : |PALE_RAIDER|01 CLASS : Spatial - E78-12 Civilian Deep Space Explorer
CREW : * Pilot: Frank Corvin
ENGINES : Six Ageria Long burn EQUIPMENT : Unknow
STATUS : All systems 100%
- SHIP LOG - 01-0001
LOCATION : Java Station SIGNED : Frank Corvin
Oh my God! * cought * Is this recording? * cought * * cought * Yes... i think so. All systems in line. Good. * cought * That gallic mercenary.... if only I were some years young. But we had a good party * looks his red Knuckles * Is a big pleasure to see tecnics of the IMG are still good. When they start working in this Ship it was just a wreck towed to the station, not sure what happend to it but after a big * cought * * cought * * cought * oh Jesus.. this is going to kill me...
Let's see where I stop. * Small pause * Ahhh yes. The actual ship named pale raider cero one was just a big piece of scrap when we found it. Yes we, becouse I was not alone in that Hegemon. None of the crew members trusted me when i told them i have plans for the wreck * laught * but here we are, two veterans of the space, the old mining ship captain and his ancient ship.
Damm! I feel like a cadet pilot, time to test this wonder. Powering 1 to 3! Good all engines working. Powering 4 to 6! All systems ready. Six original Ageria engines. Wonder how many scrap pieces have this ship, surely more than one Junker made a fortune with me. * laughts*
This is good, this one is ok, this ummmm ... bah its not important * cought * Time to test in space!
- Java command, this is Frank Corvin, captain of the Pale Raider cero one requesting permision to undock.
// WARNING // The autor isn't English so expect some grammar errors and spelling mistakes. // WARNING //
SHIP NAME : |PALE_RAIDER|01 CLASS : Spatial - E78-12 Civilian Deep Space Explorer
CREW : * Pilot: Frank Corvin
* 2nd Pilot : Merrick McWorthington
PASSENGER : * Erick Corvin
ENGINES : Six Ageria Long burn EQUIPMENT : Unknow
STATUS : Systems ok, minor dammage engine 4.
- SHIP LOG - 02-0001
LOCATION : Freeport 9 SIGNED : Frank Corvin
The Pale Raider fly like a just bought ship. Seems the tecnicians in Java worked hard on it. Maybe they think in the future... they know this is my retire after a long work life and maybe they just want to make me a gift. But the repairs made this ship almost new. Just a nasty noise in the middle left engine disturb me.
Maybe this zoners manage to find the problem. Wait wait wait... better to start before in time.
This is the first entry in Ship log in a week... too much to do, things to buy, a new ship to pilot and working in the log make me feel old. I'm i know that but still feel young when I pilot inside a debris field. Was a really good idea to hire that pilot in Planet California. I have more time to talk with Erick this way. This is his first time outside of Liberty but all that info in the Neural Net make him 'an expert' with a lot of usefull information.
Bah! All that info... know more about what we can expect from the talk with that Junker than all other ways. * cought *
Merrick is not a bad pilot, but i never tell that to him. I think half of his formation as pilot comes from a military school, but he never talk about that. It's his choice and i dont have a problem with that. Even if the Pale raider have an average weapons array after the talk with that Junker in not sure about it. We have plans to cross some dangerous systems in the future, so better to contact a Weapon Dealer to improve our defensive power. Merrick know somebody in FP9 and he is almost sure her friend can sell us what we need.
Erick still dont understand the dangers of the free space. He love to use the comm link like one more game...
// WARNING // The autor isn't English so expect some grammar errors and spelling mistakes. // WARNING //
SHIP NAME : |PALE_RAIDER|01 CLASS : Spatial - E78-12 Civilian Deep Space Explorer
CREW : * Pilot: Frank Corvin
* 2nd Pilot : Merrick McWorthington
PASSENGER : * Erick Corvin
ENGINES : Six Ageria Long burn EQUIPMENT : Unknow
STATUS : Systems ok, minor dammage engine 4.
- SHIP LOG - 03-0001
LOCATION : Freeport 9 SIGNED : Frank Corvin
Finally we had permission from the corsairs to dock in Crete. Its hard to say why I need to deliver that fod there. Several times corsair pilots stolen parts of the cargo and founds when we mine in the omegas, but all the times they said its just to buy food to their families.
Now the situation in crete is better but still see thats true. Food price there is really high. Maybe the top corsair class can buy it but im sure the lower class feel the sword of famine. Cargo space of the Pale Raider is not big and im sure that food is not the solution for the problem but at least is something. Now or late we return to deliver more.
Sirius sector is worse that some years ago. I can feel the danger in my old bones. I can breath the tension in Freeport IX. Some time ago i heard about a weapon dealer that works here, if the weapon power core can mount maybe i need to change some of the weapons for something stronger.
Yes he have something must fit in the pale raider weapon array. Some experimental weapons he said but if its true the things he tell me... better to see it in action before. The price is a really cheap, im almost sure that things will not be that good.
Was hard but finally we have it on the ship. That weapon dealer is a good man. Im almost sure he tryed to help the old man selling something really good at a cheap price but i know something about weapon arrays and that RAGNAROK things are some of the most powerfull guns i have ever seen. Im not sure where the hell he get that, but when we tested it in the space i can feel the power in every shoot.
How surprised was when we send some aditional credits. God know im a men who do the things right. All my life I have paid the true price of the things even if I can get a discount, and that wonders have a big value. More for us thats for sure. Merrick said that are even better than the military ones. - PAUSE IN THE RECORD- - DOUBLE ENCRIPTED FILE-
When we where testing the array something weird happens. Some lady with a Phantom trasponder in his ship appear in our sensors. She come close and I see something pale in the cockpit. * laught * The pale rider pilot see a pale pilot in the other ship cockpit, if somebody know this, surely they move me to a mental clinic.
More weird was what she whant. She demmand one of our wine bottles. Im not sure if my mind is ok but Merrick and Erick see the ship too so i was not dreaming.
Phantoms in Freeport IX, some weapons that come from God know where with a CODENAME that ask the end of the time is close... Bah i need the fresh space to stop thinking better if we start moving. - END OF DOUBLE ENCRIPTED FILE-
// WARNING // The autor isn't English so expect some grammar errors and spelling mistakes. // WARNING //
SHIP NAME : |PALE_RAIDER|01 CLASS : Spatial - E78-12 Civilian Deep Space Explorer
CREW : * Pilot: Frank Corvin
* 2nd Pilot : Merrick McWorthington
PASSENGER : * Erick Corvin
ENGINES : Six Ageria Long burn EQUIPMENT : Unknow
STATUS : Engine 4 dammaged.
- SHIP LOG - 04-0001
LOCATION : Sigma 13 SIGNED : Frank Corvin
Dont whant Erick or Merrick read this.*cought* Something is not ok in the ship. *cought* *cought* They know the engine number 4 is not ok but the problems are more important. We passed some gas clouds and the exploxions damaged the ship. Must be that if not ... Im starting to see things that are not there. 2 hours ago *cought* I started to smell something in the cockpit. Doors to the main part of the ship are closed now and Im flying at max speed to Java. This ship is not a standard one and im sure just the tecnics there can fix it.
*cought* * cought * Im going to send Merrick and Erick to buy a new engine in Rheinland but dont whant to stop for long. This is worse every moment. God... - END OF DOUBLE ENCRIPTED FILE-
// WARNING // The autor isn't English so expect some grammar errors and spelling mistakes. // WARNING //
SHIP NAME : |PALE_RAIDER|01 CLASS : Spatial - E78-12 Civilian Deep Space Explorer
CREW : * Pilot: Frank Corvin
* 2nd Pilot : Merrick McWorthington
PASSENGER : * Erick Corvin
ENGINES : Six Ageria Long burn EQUIPMENT : Unknow
STATUS : Engine 4 broken.
- SHIP LOG - 04-0001
LOCATION : Cortez SIGNED : Merrick McWorthington
Frank is not ok. That old monkey! He flyed the ship without help from Sigma 17 to Hamburg breathing half the escape gas of the engine number 4. Wonder how is he alive. After 3 hours inside the cockpit even with the oxigen mask i can feel the gas hammering my head.
We cross half the Liberty space looking for a medical facility or a medical ship. Hospitals were over crowded with the pilots injuried in a big battle in front of Manhattan. Two times we have landed and cant find nobody that help Frank, im not sure he can survive another landing and takeoff.
With this big problem and Liberty in this status and we are far from the other house space. If only when he started to feel bad in Hamburg we stop there. But he said fly to Java Station they can fix the engine. We need a doctor not tecnic for the ship. I can see only one place to fly, Coronado and the barrier station.