These 2 people destroyed My exploration liner, destroying loads of valuable Data and killing my crew. I want them dead. And i wanted them dead yesterday.
They fly 2 Rhineland Cargo Ships. THere names are Leverage and Quasimodo. I want them dead.
Kill them together while recording a VIDEO of their perishing. That will get you 10 mil
If you catch one of them Alone, a Video will get you 4 mil
One Screenshot of them both dead will get you 3 mil.
One screen of one person killed will get you 1.4 Mil.
oh and making them beg for their ships(lives) will get you a extra million Creds.
Happy hunting. I whould love to pay for them dead.
Oh and once they have both been killed, the Bounty is over.
One last thing: Leverage is worth a 4 mil extra bounty. so the max money you can get is 14 million.
TO LEVERAGE: You should have accepted my offer. 2 million is better than everyone wanting to kill you.
Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts... perhaps the fear of a loss of power.
Well well, It seems you really did post the bounty. I spoke to you the previous day after the incident.
Well, I may have to outfit a bomber for this particular mission. But hey, Why not?
Consider this my Priority Bounty.
And to those whom I am hunting....
***Incoming Transmission***
...Source: -<Blocked>-, - - system
Greetings Mr. Shepard,
10 mil for a pair of transports eh? Consider their days numbered, however sirus is a big place, and it would help if you provided a starting point for us to begin our hunt from.
Hmm.. Maybe I could Use a partner...
Willis, Perhaps two pilots could work in tandum. I know their usual hunting grounds and the area quite well. A Joint operation isn't against my code of Ethics.
Should you consider my offer, Please send private comms.