Aoi'va Esta Malvina en-Shakuras was born in the dawn of Sirius' prospering, precisely in 787 A.S. (31 years). The Sanctuary (it's how wanderer of Shadows being called, however the true callsign of it is being hid intentionally) became a place of her, perhaps monotonous childhood and adolescence.
From her birth she was trained in the path of wisdom, extending her mind and perception. Walking up this trail made her sane and responsible. Time passed by, she was almost 17, parents realized her true potential in the art of battle - extreme ardency and concentration soon became famous around certain groups of people, specialized on training battle mastery. She was quickly transferred as a trainee for one of the best mentors of this time.
After her teachings were completed, Aoi was entitled as Sentinel of Shadows.
Events served great duty to her future life - Shadow Emperor himself was watching closely.
In the age of 28, Aoi Shakuras was entitled as emperor's Magistrate.
[color=#FF6600] I... I'm so scared. There are rumors about great disturbance in Sirius sector. Our wanderer is going right there, but something is still bothering me... Like a sense of something terrible that is to come, like a shadow drops upon all of us.
[color=#FF6600] As I was afraid, the ancient Keepers have come - 'when and where' were only secondary questions. Our masters have increased their time spent in teaching of their students. I can merely hope that we will be prepared to throw away our fears and shoot a crushing arrow into our enemies' hea-..
* Someone had come into Aoi's room [color=#33CC00]*
- Aoi en-Shakuras! - Darius Ordo! I wasn't expecting you to come... - Am I always that unpredictable?
* He winked and then gave her smacking kiss. After this she completely forgot to turn off her diary [color=#33CC00]*
- So, how are you doing here? - He asked. - My mood is terrible! Do you know about forthcoming plague? Do you know about its size and power? Do you think we can defeat it without breaking a sweat? No... it is impending, numerous and with enough power to destroy stars. - I don't know about what are you talking about... or whom... - No, they are... mindless, yet it is something that lives... - What, oh come on, you shouldn't watch much graphics in the night! - Look, I sneaked into the Great Library today and found a book about it. At first I was confused about writings style, like everything within fell into a great pit of obscurity, but then I dug deeper into text's meaning... and started to realize horrible things. - Whatever, Aoi. Sorry, I can't understand you. - In time you will, Darius, in time... * Her voice went into a soft whispering [color=#33CC00]* ... if it won't be too late.
* Timer rung on her table [color=#33CC00]*
- Time for me to go. - Aoi said. - That includes me too.
* And so they quickly grabbed their bags and rushed into teaching quarters... And the diary was working for couple of hours, until someone under hood clicked the button [color=#33CC00]*