So... she is a Golden Chrysanthemum... thats what everyone is telling her. Even her diary... although it is in a messy condition. Ripped, stained with undefinied fluids and hidden beneath a big pile of broken glass, which, to her amaze, is polished clean, while the rest of her chambers is dusty and trashed beyond help.
Her mind isnt working as it used to, that is clear. But it was... refreshing. Knowing nothing means to learn so many new things, meeting all those new interesting people. It just is... confusing. Why should anyone want to lose his memory... her diary told her, that she just wants to forget. It was even in capital letters over the whole page. Multiple times... well, maybe it is just because of her gloomy look.
So, the new, improved Lynn started cleaning up. With a broom she lend from a neighbour, she moved the broken mirror away, cleaned up the bed and all the mess. Finally, after her room is spotless, she looked into the biggest shard of the broken mirror. After thinking a while, she puts the shard on the table. The look isnt working... blue hair.... is not her natural color at all.
While the coloring works in her hair, she thinks about, what she could remember. There was this... ship. Alien... voices in her head. And then... all blank. Oh, she knew her Name... Lynn... no, Lydia. Lynn was the Nick she got from.... huh... she really wants to know. Oh, and she knows her way inside a cockpit, even though fighting is way too hectic for her. And her hate for the KNF is big... even when she doesnt know what a KNF is. Maybe she should ask the Kusari Gouverment on her way out... and she definately has to go out. The medical staff at Aino didnt find anything with her and they tried the last two days. But as a wanted girl, it is hard to find a good doctor. But... she has an Idea...
Finally, after a while, she left her cabin. Her former blue hair is now bright yellow, moved to a girl-like ponytail. She herself is casual jeans with a space adventure vest. She moved alot of money from her balance (she found the code at the end of her diary) to lend a bretonian ship. She will find a doctor... or..., and her stomache is acting up again, will die in space.