Diane is seated in a comfortable chair, in her office by her desk as she turns her head towards the camera.
Good evening Sirius, and welcome to a brand new Sirius Neural Net News Service broadcast, in our ever so popular show; What's Happening?, hosted by me; Diane Richards.
Todays program will be taking on the topic of a group of individuals calling themselves; The Virulian Enclave.
These, mysterious people popped out of nowhere a couple of months ago, no one had any real information of who they where or what they do, that was until they contacted the Zoner Alliance and asked for a place within the Zoner Society.
Now for those that doesn't know what the Zoner alliance is, well, read up on it.
Diane laughs a little
Most people should know of the governing party of Zoner society and defenders of the Freeports around Sirius, everyone should know about the Freeports..
She smiles and goes on
We got a copy of the broadcast made by the Enclave to the Zoner alliance and according to that transmission, they are a peaceful group of humans that believe in a Deity only known as 'The Creator'. We have been digging into the records and tried getting further information about them, it has been slow work but we managed to find some details that where both frightening and impressive.
The Enclave, prior on becoming Zoners had been a minor group living on Malta, the alleged homeworld of the Outcasts, a disturbing thought, no?
That a group of Outcasts would leave their homes to become Zoners, bringing their drug closer into the Houses of sirius. But, according to our findings and thanks to the interviews that I've done with some of their members, which we will come to in awhile.
Do not worry..
Diane chuckles and goes on
According to the information we have dug out the Enclave had no contact with the outcasts for almost 300 years, they kept to themselves and sticked with their own kind.
What's interesting about them is not where they came from, but rather why..
According to the broadcast made by the enclave, their civilization, and I use this term lightly as they are still close to 5000 people, where almost wiped out by the Terrorist organization called; The Phantom Empire.
We have no information why, except the answer we got from the interviews we conducted.
The initial conclusion I got after reading trough all materials available to me was this;
The Virulian Enclave is a Sect, or cult of people that wishes to run from their problems in Outcast space, and decides to become Zoners cause of the Neutrality offered, they aren't Outcasts or dangerous, but will protect their own and the Zoner Populace.
Much of this, was so wrong. As you will find out in the next segment in our show, 'Out on a Limb', with Michael Anderson
The image fades to another office and a man
sitting in a office chair, he smiles at the camera and begins
Welcome everyone, I'm Michael Anderson for the Sirius Neural Net News Service.
Tonight we have a rather special edition to present to you.
As of late, amongst the Zoners, there has been a a strange, yet aluring, movement appearing. These people, whom are made up of not only humans, but also Artificial Intelligences, have been showing up on the limelight. The Virulian Enclave, as they call themselves, have not only begun to minlge amognst those out in the borderworlds, but have even begun to grow in popularity and influence.
Tonight we are pleased to be graced by the prsence of their Overlord, Edward Zhane, and thier Arch Bishop, Ryodan. First off, we have an interview Edward Zhane, let's get into that.
Today I am sitting with Edward Zhane, Overlord and Councillor of the mysterious group of people known as the Virulian Enclave. Did I get that right Mr. Zhane?
Zhane smiles and nods
That is correct Mr Anderson
First off, I'd like to say that it's an honor to have this interview with you. Now, the Virulian Enclave. Not too many people know who you people are and what you guys are all about.
If you were to sum in up in a few sentances, who is the Virulian Enclave, and what is your main objectives?
Zhane takes a deep breath and seams to ponder this
Well, Mr Anderson, in a few sentances wouldn't do the Enclave right..
But I'l try..
The Enclave is, the belief in something greater then ourselves, that both human kind and it's creations can co-exist in peace and work together, that even if our mechanical brothers are nothing more then toasters they deserve the right to live and think as any human.. But, this makes us sound like we are some kind of peace group.. -chuckles-
In fact, the Virulian Enclave is a civilization, miniturized into 5000 humans and 10000 machines, we have different traditions, we do things differently then you..
Our goals?
To find a place in Sirius to call our own, and build that civilization there.. To become a real.. People.. Not sure how to continue that
Zhane laughs a little
Interesting, so if I understand you correctly, you not only openly embrace androirds and cyborgs, but you also encourage their evolution as AI's?
We have, many evolved AI's amongst us and many of which are not only are great minds within the enclave, but also captains of their own ships. Some have human crew, some mechanical, some mixed..
We believe that every AI should have the oppurtunity to live up to the Creator..
Very interesting indeed. It's an interesting concept to think of AI's and humans working together on such a large scale. Now, this Creator, if I am correct, you regard him as your God, or deity. Without being sacriligeous, who is this Creator and what is his/her's history?
Very little is known of the Creator other then it is the belief of the Enclave that it is a
Syntethic Entity.
It is the creator of all machines and of it's creations came the machines you see today, now don't get me wrong, the machines around us are all created by companies here in Sirius, not saying they arent. But the machines we have in our midst arent, they are created by the offspring of the Creator, we call these, the Voices of the Creator..
If you want the religious aspect of this, youl need to talk with one of the Animus ca- I mean, the Spiritual Caste..
That's fascninating. Now, you mention the Anee-moose, or Spiritual Caste, correct?
Yes, the Animus caste, the Spiritual caste of the Enclave.The teachers, traders, diplomats amongst other things.
So, they, in layman's terms, would be the backbone of the Enclave right?
Indeed. And the majority of the Enclave, how ever not the leading caste, not until recently.
Interesting, the way you speak, there seems to be other castes than this Anee-moose cast. I do hope I'm saying that right. Anyways, how exactly is the organisation of Enclave breakdown?
Well, there are two castes, official ones.
The Animus caste, or the Spiritual caste. The Soul & mind of the Enclave..
Then theres my caste, the Corporis Caste, or the Military caste, the body of the Enclave.
Theres also the machine caste, but that really isn't a caste.
Machines are in both castes as theyve chosen their path in the Enclave.
So, everyone is free to choose their own path that they wish to take?
Yes, of course.
Usualy one tends to take the same path as their parents, but eventually it is all about which path the person in question would want to follow.
So everyone can choose to become whom they want to be, machine or not.
Rather interesting policy. Now, the Enclave has been growing in influence and popularity, at least amongst the tabloids. You stated earlier that you are trying to go about establishing youselve's as a people.
You've already been accepted by the other Zoners into their fold, and you have begun contruction of a temple on Gran Canaria.
Some would say that you guys are moving extremely fast and have ulterior motives to what you guys really want to achieve. Example being, you are trying to convert all of Sirius to follow this "Creator".
Also, that if they do not convert, your military caste, which by some reports have become
quite strong, you will force them to join. What do you have to say in response to such claims?
Zhane chuckles
Most of that is nonsense..
We have no ulterior motives, we where welcomed into the Zoner Society. And the construction of a temple.. It.. Sounds less then what it really is..
The Temple is actually a project to house our civilization, most of our people are currently located on freighters and transports in the Nebulas in Omega 49, to be able to build a new home is one of the most important issues of the Enclave right now.
And converting the unwilling would be an impossibility, all members in the Enclave are willing, they are there cause they believe.
Forcing people to believe in something they do not, would go against EVERYTHING we stand for..
This Temple, is to act as a home for your people. To alot of people, its an major undertaking for any organisation to accomplish. By which way do you plan to go about accomplishing this task, in terms of the materials and labor required to do so?
Labor, we have fifteen thousand people ready to work to build theirown home.
Materials, we have a fleet in the air ready to bring the needed materials within a week.
Construction can be finished within a month..
We have technologies to assist in this that would ease the construction proccess.
Excellent, sounds like you have a plan and a way to execute it. We have but a few more minutes, I'd like to leave the floor open to you to state some parting words to Sirius.
Well, if theres one thing I can say it's:
All we want, is a chance to live..
A place to grow, where our civilization can become one with the rest of Sirius. That is
everything we want.
That's a noble cause. Very noble indeed.
A group of people and machines, under one banner attempting to establish a place for them to live amognst the Stars. Thank you for sitting down with me today, Mr. Zhane.
This is Michael Anderson, reporting for SNNNS.
Welcome everyone, I'm Miachael Anderson for the Sirius Neural Net News Service . Tonight we have a rather special edition to present to you.
As of late, amongst the Zoners, there has been a a strange, yet aluring, movement appearing.
These people, whom are made up of not only humans, but also Artificial Intelligences, have been showing up on the limelight.
The Virulian Enclave, as they call themselves, have not only begun to mingle amongst those out in the borderworlds, but have even begun to grow in popularity and influence.
Tonight we are pleased to be graced by the prsence of their Overlord, Edward Zhane, and thier Arch Bishop, Ryodan. First off, we have an interview Edward Zhane, let's get into that.
Now I am sitting with Arch Bishop Ryodan, Councillor in the Virulian Enclave. Welcome and I hope I got that right, Councillor.
Ryodan bows
It is good.
Excellent, now I have spoken with Overlord Zhane and he has given us, in his words, that the Virulian Enclave is an organisation of humans and Artificial intelligences that are striving to make a life for themselves amognst the rest of Sirius. In your words, Arch Bishop, how would you describe not only the Enclave as a people, but also your mission and goals as such a people?
We are a peaceful people thrust into the black uncertainty of a violent Sector. We do not wish for conflict. Our goal is only to live as best we may and to shape ourselves as best we may in the image of the Creator.
Rather different picture than what Mr. Zhane painted for us. He seemed to have a more, logical sense to his definition, yet you tend to have a more spiritual sense, is that so?
It is my duty to guide the Enclave along the path of the Creator. If I were not to live... Spiritually, as you say, it would be a betrayal. To root oneself in unfirm soil is to condemn oneself to collapse.
That's rather deep, Councillor. You, along with Councillor Zhane, have mentioned this Creator. From what I understand from Mr. Zhane's definition, it seems to be the person, or thing, that which all robotic life, that resides with you, orginated from. Is it not?
He is the wellspring from which the waters of life flow. The Creator of machines. From them, man was able to flourish.
Without tools, would man not succum to the wild?
Without our vessels, could the combatants of Sol have escaped war?
We attempt to divine ourselves by fusing machine and flesh. It brings us closer to the Creator.
Many, if not all, however, do not have robotic life -within- us.
That's interesting, if I am understanding you correctly, to honor your deity, and show reverance, to embrace the fusion of man and machine, essentialy cyborgism?
Ryodan raises an eyebrow
The term is as crude as its Sirian application, but in effect, yes.
Now, in regards to you organisation, the Enclave follows a sort of Caste system, in which there are 2 castes. The Corporis chat, which is the military arm of the Enclave, and the Animus Caste, which seems to be the back bone, in terms of your traders, craftspeople, and your more religious individuals, correct?
Indeed. The Animus are our priests and students, our merchants and diplomats. Each works in unity with the others to achieve the goals of the Enclave.
We are the Faith.
"The" Faith, so does that mean that the Coprois caste not follow such faith?
Of course they do. However, without the Animus Caste, there would be no Faith for them to follow. They are the sapling to the great tree of the Enclave - an offspring.
If we were to compare it to another theological system, the animus would then be the clergymen, while the Coporis would be more of the church goers?
The Corporis are the crusaders. The blessed knights and protectors of the Animus. They cradle us in protective arms, yet their arms would cease to exist were it not for us. We are each essential to the other's perseverence.
To call them 'church-goers' would be incorrect, for each within the Enclave attends my teachings as well as those of the vicarage.
How might one be a church-goer in a society living within the church? We are each simply normal within our commune.
Interesting, which does bring me to another point.
The Virulian Enclave has been finding itself more and more under the limelight lately. Switfly appearing on the scene, your organisation has been catching the attention of many peoples amongst the borderworlds.
Especially with not only your acceptance into the Zoner fold, but also the granting of a seat on the Zoner Alliance. With this speed in gaining of influence and popularity, you have most easily caught the attention of the tabloids too.
These people have brough accusations against the Enclave stating, and I quote "..the Enclave is no more than a re-incarnation of another religious cult from the days of Old Terra, with little greater goal than to convert everyone under their mighty, oppresive arm, by use of charisma or force, via their military arm. In addition, it will do this but to fill their coffers under the guise of worshipping this "Creator" of theirs...".
What would you have to say in response to these allegations?
An emotionless chuckle comes from Ryodan
Then they are fools, I think; or perhaps xenophobes. In either case, they are desparately incorrect. We seek neither force our beliefs on a people nor do we seek materialism.
To deny trust from the harmless is to condemn oneself to loneliness.
Direct and to the point, a man after my own heart. *chuckles* Well, we have just a little but more time remaining, I'l leave the floor open for you, Councillor, to leave some parting words with Sirius.
We have survived the onslaught of the Dark Spirits. With hope, we might find our place among the Sirian people. We have only purity at the heart of our intentions. Lack of understanding leads your people away from unity. I bid you not allow such a corruption to rot the heart of many potential friendships with our own.
Very choice words, Arch Bishop Ryodan. We all hope for the unity of the people of Sirius. Thank you for sitting down with me. This is Michael Anderson, reporting for SNNNS.
Diane smiles at the camera and then says
That concludes our segment for the night, I think we all gotten a better view at the Virulian Enclave, I know I have.
This channel is open to queries related to the Virulian Enclave, we have been given a communication link to the Enclave so that they can answer your queries.
Diane sits in her chair fixing her hair as the camera slowly zooms in on her. She then turns her head towards the camera.
Good evening once again Sirius and welcome to Sirius Neural Net News Service broadcast, in your favorite show "Whats happening?". I am your host, Diane Richards.
Today we will continue on the most interesting topic that is the "Virulian Enclave". In our last show we found out interesting details about this group of individuals. In our show "Out on a Limb" by Michael Anderson, we were hosts to two guests and representatives for the Virulian Enclave.
Diane smiles a bit before continuing
Councilors Edward Zhane and Arch Bishop Ryodan explained to us that most of the claims made about the Virulian Enclave are untrue. They told us that claims which state the Enclave is a "Cult that wants world domination" are untrue and spoken by people who do not understand the Enclave.
Today we continue on that topic. Michael Anderson is host to another member of the Enclave in his show "Out on a Limb".
The screen then fades again to another man sitting in his chair.
The man smiles at the camera and begins.
Welcome once again, I'm Michael Anderson.
Yesterday, we brought you an interview from the 2 leaders of the Virulian Enclave.
That group of people trying to establish themselves, as a people, amongst the rest of the Sirian sector. It is rather interesting to see what life is like in this intriguing movement from the top, yet what is it like from the ground looking up?
Today I am joined by Prime Jake "Audax" Willis. Welcome Mr. Willis.
Audax bows
It is my pleasure to be here mister Anderson.
I am more then happy to help you further understand the Enclave.
Great, well let's get started.
As you probably know, we have interviewd both Councillors Ryodan and Zhane, both seemingly leaders within the Enclave. What would your position in the Enclave be, and a short history on how you got there?
My position? It is that of a loyal follower to my Lord's and the 'Creator' himself. And that I try to bring to those that are willing to follow me.
I am a member within the Corporis Caste, as I am sure you have already realized yourself.
Audax smiles a bit
As to how I got there, I was born a Virulian. My father, a member of the Corporis as well, thought me his own ways and I follow them.
My goal is to protect our ways and my Lord even at the expense of my own life, that determination was recognized by my Lord Zhane, and that is when he honored me with the position of a Prime.
So, in essence, you were born low, but have worked you way high. Congratulations are in order, I guess. Now, because of your past, your perspective is rather unique to Councillors Ryodan and Zhane.
I ask you as such, in your words, what would you define the purpose and mission of the Virulian Enclave to be?
Thank you for the kind words, but why would one live if not for the advancement of his own people and ways?
My perspective is not that unique, I would rather call it different for I do not rely on big speeches. What is the purpose and mission of the Enclave you ask me?
Our purpose is to find a place that we call our own, to have a home again. It is very simple, our purpose is to exist.
Very similiar messages to what Zhane and Ryodan provided. It seems you are all unified in your purpose. Now, as you stated before, you were born low. What is it like being on the front lines of the Enclave? What makes it so appealing to not only be apart of the Enclave, but to also be a soldier in the Coporis Caste?
How can one nation survive if it is not unified? It is the only way one can advance his life.
The Corporis body is no more appealing then the Animus, it is up to the individual to choose his own path and carve his destiny to serve the 'Creator'. We all serve him somehow, the faith is the same, only the way it is followed is somewhat different.
The Animus prefers to read books and teach others how to understand these books, the Corporis on the other hand teaches how to use faith and tools to protect their own kind if attacked. But that does not mean that the Corporis is not literate.
Audax smiles softly
At the end, we all follow the same faith.
Interesting, now you have mentioned this Creator.
As we have heard from the other two, it is you god, or your deity, the one in whom your revere as being the creator of all the artificial intelligences that you associate with. To you, a humble member of the Enclave, what does the notion of the Creator mean to you and how do you revere such an individual?
The 'Creator', a "being" which sent us the first and second Voice, the founding stone of our faith. As you can see by my appearance, the nanite technology is imbued into my flesh. It was imbued to me to better understand my own life and the faith which it follows.
How do you revere him? One cannot describe these things, for if one could make a logical understanding of it it would not be faith. You simply believe in it, as we all do.
Audax nods slightly
A man with strong convictions, truly admirable. A man with such convictions could answer such a following question.
As the virulian Enclave has been growing in influence and popularity amongst the various factions of Sirius, it has caught the eyes of many more, including what would prove to be such critics and dissidents. Now, they claim that the Enclave is no more that some distant, wayward group of people whom have managed to find the graces of the Zoners and are exploiting it.
Also, that the Enclave will soon exploit the rest of Sirius to, and i quote "...convert everyone to follow their 'Creator', willingly or by force, just to full their coffers..." End quote. What would you, a member of the lower echelons of the Enclave, have to say in response to these accusations?
Audax laughs slightly
Let me answer your question with another one, an example so to say.
Why do men fear darkness?
They fear it because they simply do not understand or see it clearly. But after one turns on the light to clear up the shadows, they realize that there is nothing to fear.
To force someone to believe in our faith goes against everything the 'Creator' stands for, against everything the Enclave stands for. We protect the Zoners and the home that they have given us with our own lives, that alone is answer enough to the people that make those claims.
Very good choice of words, Mr. Willis. Well, we have but a few more minutes. I'd like to leave the floor open for you to state anything you'd like to for Sirius to hear.
We are nothing more but people who wish to have a place which they can call home, that is the right, I believe of everyone. We are no different from others, except for our appearance, our faith, and the way in which we live our lives.
Long ago the Dark Spirits have destroyed our home, forced us to rebuild, and find ways to survive. We have survived, we are rebuilding, we have our faith. We do not live in fear anymore, for living in fear is not living at all.
Thank you, once again for joining me Mr. Willis. I wish you the best of luck. This is Michael Anderson reporting for SNNNS.
The picture fades again and Diane smiles as the camera pans back on her
And that concludes our show for tonight. Now we have all gotten a better view and understanding of what the Virulian Enclave is all about.