' Wrote:While we are on topic, why those who know how to get in Don't tell others about it?
I mean, the way to Go through the gate and to Inner Major is really Simple and took me only 10 mins to figure out, but there is really nothing there to be any good. So why everyone (who know how to do it) just say "Yes you can but its a bug abuse blah blah so I'm not tellin you!!"
If there is any reason I'm missing, tell me so I'll know why posting the way of entering Inner Major is a big No-No. If there is no particular reason and everyone just follow the "zomg no one should know about it" line, then... Well, it can be explained in 2 lines or even less.
Because it makes us 1337.
No, because he didn't ask. He merely asked whether he could get in.
Also, the reason why i wouldn't post how here is because someone will think it's cool to go in with an Osiris or something and won't be able to get out. Then they'll get into trouble which I wouldn't want.
Quote:While we are on topic, why those who know how to get in Don't tell others about it?
Because it is an exploit of game mechanics which has a tendency to corrupt your character file, and oftentimes requires admin assistance to move your character back to the 'real' world.
There is a way which doesn't suck everyone into the system. Doesn't corrupt your character files either, I did it on the main server and came out just fine.
Although, I had no idea there was a way to get OUT, save death.
JihadJoe Wrote:Xelgion, you have done a marvelous thing. Eppy is begging for mercy, in full caps.
' Wrote:Also, the reason why i wouldn't post how here is because someone will think it's cool to go in with an Osiris or something and won't be able to get out. Then they'll get into trouble which I wouldn't want.
Doesn't the system have a sun? Sundiving usually kills you.
i put myself in there using account manager, but i found out that you can fly up, and youre in almost same place (background textures are same, but nothing is there, and you can just fly out without any problems)