[-- Incoming Transmission
[-- Source; Mykolaiv Research Station (Omega-52) X 3825, Y 0843, Z 2367.677
[-- Communications ID; Dr. Christophe Göransson
[-- Target; Dr. XiaoBei
[-- Subject; Cryo-Stasis research
Begin playback;
Evening Dr,
I've been asked to forward you our preliminary findings on the speciment brought back. First impressions are simple, the pod has survived far better than other examples of the Hispania's cryo-stasis systems. It does however show some signs of metal fatigue and loss of structural stability in some places.
That said it is should prove fruitful with a bit of time and vodka, basic circuitry is in place, and current has been run through in low levels. The basic functions work but for some reason the pod is not operational-- Gah, what can I say; we need more time. I've got R&D working on scanning and fabricating every piece we remove and observe.