A Nephthys is holding a far orbit around the star in Omicron 100. Massada is inside seemingly poking at some wires at an open panel on the console. The screen next to the open panel begins to flicker but it is just static. Massada picks up a wire with some spiked connectors on the end of it. Three prongs: one made of steel, another made of copper and the final one a clear spike with a blue tinge to it. Massada removes his flight helmet and pulls over the hair on the right side of his head. Massada lines up the spiked connector to the slots on his scalp. The stitches are still bloody where flesh meets metal. As if hesitating to thrust the connection into his skull, Massada stops and looks at the open panel. He puts down the spikes and begins moving wires around. Sweat beads on his forehead and a drop drips from his nose into the open panel.
Massada quickly tries to sop up the moisture with his sleeve. He takes a quick glance at his navigation computer and takes note of the upcoming intersection with the Omicron Major jump hole. He begins to scramble and closes the panel and, without a second thought, shoves the spikes into the side of his head. His face contorts grotesquely for a moment followed by a look of relief. The screen next to the panel he was working on begins to flicker showing some apparently random wave formations.
"Hmm, looks like some jump hole fringe interference. I've gotta find a correction for that."
Massada executes a number of small thrusts, slowly drifting near the hole opening. The signal on the screen begins to take a more patterned form as the hole nears closer. Massada presses a button on the panel and his head lightly falls back into the headrest.
***We....require....matter...energy******(Images of the Nomad Gate)******Light...deliverance...hosts...need...matter******What?...Where?...What do you want?******A unitary thought....remove it***
"Hello? Hello? What? Its...its over...how?"
Massada's shields are dropped and begins losing hull integrity. He throws the ship into full power and engages in evasive maneuvers. Just as he comes about to see what happened he sees two Nomad fighters being destroyed by the weapons platforms by the hole. He sets course for Libson and begins recording a log.
The results of my most recent experiment are most disturbing and intriguing. I can't help feeling a sort of kinship with these creatures every time I come in contact with them. Their hate and anger is so similar to feelings I have myself as do all humans. I do not, however, feel any sympathy for the beasts or beast to be more correct.
The most recent adaptation of my work is certainly the most successful. I think I was able to communicate with them but not with my full consciousness. My mind seemed to have a reflexive response to the stimuli. Direct recording of the event was unsuccessful. Blurred and unintelligible even by our best deciphers, the recording is useless. I only have my disjointed memory to report on and I cannot be sure if what I remember wasn't planted by the Nomad collective. I do, however, have a very vivid image that I do not believe they wanted me to see. Without the recording I cannot be sure of its accuracy but the memory of that image is of something I have never seen before. I've done my best to recreate it with our simulator.
I am unsure of what any of this means but hopefully those at intel can derive something from it. I have some adjustments to make before I try again.